Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Sacred Heart Students helped with Beach Clean-Up

Mayor Pam Triolo and the Sacred Heart seventh grade students after a full day of beach cleanup!

Sacred Heart School fourth and seventh-grade students walked to Lake Worth Beach for the Sacred Heart School 2019 Conservation Beach Cleanup – educating the next generation of environmental stewards!

Lake Worth, Florida, USA – September 23 & 24 – Approximately 65 Sacred Heart School fourth & seventh-grade students, staff, and parents walked from Sacred Heart School (4th and Federal Hwy.) to the Lake Worth Beach to team up for the 2019 Sacred Heart School Conservation Beach Cleanup. “We are preparing our students to be the next generation of environmental stewards”, stated Interim Principal Tricia Duvall.

The group dispersed throughout the beach covering approximately 1 mile of coastline gathering trash and debris. The students noted that the majority of the garbage were bottle caps, bottles, clothes, and many cigarette butts.  In addition, the students found a shark’s tooth and a sand dollar fossil.

Mr. Anthony Austin & Ms. Ashley Huichalaf from the Volunteer Coordinator of Parks and Recreation office came out and presented a talk on the importance of how the trash we leave behind on the beaches affects our marine life.

After the cleanup, the students enjoyed lunch and a visit from the Honorable Mayor, Pam Triolo. The Mayor thanked the students for coming out to keep the beach clean and invited them to continue with their conservation efforts.

The Conservation Beach Cleanup was such a success that the school will continue to have it every year.  The next program in educating the next generation of environmental stewards will be in conjunction with Arthur R. Marshall Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge. Students will visit the Refuge to take photos and enter the Refuge’s photo contest.

Milka Santos, ACBSW
Advancement Director


  1. You can be taught to do the right thing, or you can be taught silly stuff. These children are obviously being taught the former. I appreciate every little piece of trash they picked up at the beach. I also congratulate Sacred Heart for teaching them the right thing.

    Most of the schools these days are just teaching kids craziness.

    Not to belabor the point, but it wouldn't hurt if someone taught our sanitation department the right way to clean the city streets. Sometimes, there is more trash in the street after they leave, than before they got there.

    It would be better for the city to contract with Waste Management than to continue down this road with employees who are spoiled and don't do a good job.

  2. Does pam still go to Sacred Heart? We never see her there, once every few months maybe! Devote Catholic?

  3. Better than nothing.

  4. The mayor had a major move lately that consumed a lot of her time. Who really cares if she missed church or you didn’t see her there


  5. Snarky comment from anon. @12.02
    Judgemental instead of appreciative of our Mayor's exemplary action.
    Jesus said "let he who is without sin cast the first stone."


  6. Oh please:
    "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy" is one of the Ten Commandments found in the Bible. The full text of the commandment reads: Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God.
    Go to church it’s only one hour a week or don’t be a hypocrite!

  7. 12:17 who in the heck do you think you are telling people what to do? Attending church does not ensure an afterlife for you

  8. Lynns post was re beach cleanup not church attendance.12.02 anonymous shows him-her self to be an insignificant person spewing negativity rather than recognizing Pam's and the Sacred Heart students exemplary effort.
    "Be the change you want to see"

  9. I can't see what the Mayor did that was hypocritical. She met the students, thanked them, and took them to lunch. She didn't give a sermon. I congratulate the Mayor and the students and their teachers.

  10. 4:53 = snowflake RINO! Sad!
