Monday, October 7, 2019

Quote of the Day - Mitch McConnell

“All of you know your Constitution. The way that impeachment stops is with a Senate majority with me as majority leader.”

~ Mitch McConnell


  1. Americans knew from Day One that Republicans wouldn't impeach so Mitch's stance isn't exactly surprising. It takes courage to do the right thing and if it's one thing that Republicans lack it's bravery.

    The process will get every Republican senator (and representative) on record. And then it will hang around their necks for the rest of their entire lives, whatever is left of them.

    It's also the right thing to do for the most obscene, immoral and corrupt president ever in U.S. history. Americans support it.

  2. Doing the "right thing" is for Democrats to stop their political BS. The Democrat Party is what's obscene, immoral and corrupt.
    Yes, every Republican will be on the record and those who might possibly vote for impeachment will be primaried out.
    Democrats will also be on the record if they vote "for" for utter stupidity.
    Trump will win 2020 in a landslide.

  3. The only ones that are going to be "hanging" are the Democrats . Why do you think that Pelosi doesn't want to impeach and is playing nonsense games that have no real meaning? Democrats in moderate districts know they are going to be toast when they go on the record to impeach Trump (and for what,by the way). So Democrats,PLEASE try to Impeach-you will lose the house.

  4. If I were a betting person, Lynn, I would bet you were wrong. I think what is going on now, is going to destroy him, and they won't even have to impeach him.

    I didn't give much credence to Scaramucci when he said it, but I think the President will be finished by March.

    He's trying to put on a brave front, but, he knows he's finished.

  5. @11:04--you must be kidding...wishful thinking for Democrats. You can slime, degrade and lie but this will not deter President Trump.

  6. Please Lynn, get a grip. You're behaving like a woman who has lost her senses. No human is invincible. You think because of his rabid fan base, he will be able to turn the tide in his favor. It ain't happening. Every day, he loses a little bit of support. It's a Long way to Tipperary yet!

  7. Does anyone believe The "whistleblower" ? Or Schiff? Or Pelosi's inquiry?
    Dems want him/her to bebelieveable but the general public recognizes the deep state's latest incarnation of Trump derangement syndrome and it will backfire on them and whichever member of the left stepping conga line the Dems choose for anonymous at
    12.06 to place their misguided hopes in.

  8. Polls show majority of Americans want impeachment.

  9. @6:26--Only Democrats, anonymous.
    Trump is already relatively strong, likely to get stronger, and his Democrat opponents weaker, that is already bad news for you and all your little socialist friends.

  10. Polls show Democrats are rabid, starting with their leadership.

  11. "Only Democrats, anonymous."

    Like I said, Americans.

    Americans don't accept help from Russia to win presidential elections.

  12. Russia Helped Hillary, Not Trump in 2016 Presidential Election. Some being a sheep.


  14. So, here's the thing, Lynn. You claim you read the first half of the Mueller report. So either you're lying that you did or you're just posting the above garbage to intentionally misinform your readers...which is what you regularly do here.

    About Newspunch, from Wikipedia:

    "NewsPunch is a Los Angeles-based fake news website known for spreading conspiracy theories and political misinformation peddling fake news, mixed in with real news stories.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8] Originally named Your News Wire,[3][9][10] it was founded in 2014 by Sean Adl-Tabatabai and Sinclair Treadway.[1][4][11] In November 2018, it rebranded itself as NewsPunch, and began redirecting traffic to[9]

    A 2017 Buzzfeed News report identified NewsPunch as being the second-largest source of popular fake stories spread on Facebook that year,[4] and a June 2018 Poynter analysis identified NewsPunch as being debunked over 80 times in 2017 and 2018 by Poynter-accredited factcheckers such as Snopes,, PolitiFact, and the Associated Press.[5]

    The European Union's East StratCom Task Force has criticized NewsPunch for spreading Russian propaganda, a charge Adl-Tabatabai denies.[1]

    Regular contributors to NewsPunch include Adl-Tabatabai, a former BBC and MTV employee from London previously employed by professional conspiracy theorist David Icke[12], Adl-Tabatabai's mother Carol Adl, an alternative health practitioner, and Baxter Dmitry, who had previously been posing as an unrelated Latvian man using a stolen profile photo.[13][14]"


    When you're not creating fake news yourself, you're referencing it as legitimate news here.

    You are the worst of the worst. Someone who claims to be giving readers valid information, all the while deliberately misinforming them in order to scare them and shape their political opinions. You are the definition of fake news and, in your own little way, responsible for where politics is in this country today and the way Russia and our other enemies have been able to gain a foothold in spreading fake news around the web.

    You should be ashamed of yourself but people like you are shameless. You probably even take pride in the chaos and confusion you create online with your BS stories.

    Go to hell, Lynn. Really. Go to hell. You don't love this country anymore. You love using it and its freedoms to spread your disinformation and fake news and savor the attention that brings to your boring little world in your remaining years.

    Oh, yeah...I know you don't have the courage to post this. You're a coward behind a keyboard. But I know you'll read it, nonetheless. Maybe some of it will hit home but I doubt it. You're too f-ed up for it to do any good.

  15. @7:11...yeah, you're right--I should NOT have posted your comments. I honestly believe there is no need to tell me that I am fucked up or allowing you a platform for your continuing wish of my death. You are a sick little witch. It is too bad that more people my age don't contribute and get involved.

    One thing for sure is that your efforts to have people feel stupid or wrong for looking at these websites have increased. It has also made conversations and debates among people nearly impossible to have as people who often bring up alternative opinions and facts are simply silenced as having read "fake news.’"Any web site that takes a conservative view will be viewed as "fake news" by liberals controlling the media.

    So, keep it one cares as you Democrats have been spreading fake news for years and we know how vile you all are. You just proved it once again with your post. Get a life. Go do a tax return--something productive.

    You guys are going to lose BIG TIME in 2020. Can't wait for the fall.

  16. why would yu even post that hit piece from 7:11? A really miserable person is all I can say. take it down.

  17. To the guy who tried to post here at 12:26--
    Your post would have been fine if you had refrained from insulting every person alive holding yourself up there as the smartest person in the universe.
    Next time, post under your real name and I will consider it. It's best, however, to make your point without the personal attacks.
