Monday, October 7, 2019

Political Seats up for grabs next year

A little trivia--

According to Ballotpedia, so far, 26 members of the 116th Congress—four members of the U.S. Senate and 22 members of the U.S. House—have announced they would not seek re-election in 2020. Of those 22 members from the U.S. House, 17 are Republicans and five are Democrats. Sixteen are retiring from political office, four are seeking seats in the U.S. Senate, one is running for governor, and one is running for a county board of supervisors.

•    On November 3, 2020, all 435 seats in the U.S. House and 35 seats in the U.S. Senate will be up for election. In the U.S. Senate, there are 33 seats up for regular election, along with a special election in Arizona for the U.S. Senate seat that John McCain (R) won in 2016. Another special election is expected to be called in Georgia for the seat of Johnny Isakson (R), who is retiring at the end of 2019.

•    Heading into the election, Republicans hold a 53-47 majority in the U.S. Senate and Democrats hold a 235-200 majority in the U.S. House. The presidency will also be on the ballot.

•    And nothing is happening in Lake Worth in 2020 as the voters voted in three year terms for city commissioners. We need term limits.


  1. Yes we need to demand that term limits are put on the ballot FROM THE DAIS !

  2. Amen to term limits, it is common sense and more so today. I never vote for incumbents, never, that is one way to prevent them from winning again, all people should do that and then we would have term limits since the politicians will never vote this requirement in. They are all to willing to be corrupt and take from the good constituents. Now LWB wants to know why they have financial problems yet the elected are all making high salaries with so many benefits, raping the good citizens, it is a sin. Vote them all out!

  3. Bring your pitchforks. Demanding of a duly elected board of anything, whether it be a City, or a Condo Assn., may sound good, but is just idle conversation, and has no meaning. If there were an easy way to demand these things, people would be demanding changes to governing bodies all the time. Chaos would follow on its' heels. Try living without order sometime. See how you like anarchy.

  4. You go up during public comment and ask for term limits to be passed from the dais. Commissioners won't do it? Looks bad for them. Post card by their opponents bad. Taxpayers don't like life time political leaches.These Commissioners are stupid. But they can't be THAT DUMB!!!!!

  5. I'm waiting for all you geniuses to initiate term limits.

  6. For your information, it doesn't take a genius. What it takes is a referendum which is a lot of hard work usually done by a handful of people determined to get the required number of signatures to get it on the ballot. It takes raising money.
    The dais won't vote for term limits so the only way it can get done is a grassroots campaign.
    Personally, I think people are way too lazy now to do what it takes.
    So, we can't just "initiate" term limits. It has to be voted in.

  7. Initiate: Cause (a process or action) to begin.
