Saturday, October 26, 2019

National Pumpkin Day


  1. You can't even present this simple, yet controversial, issue without distorting it, can you?

    Black pumpkins with eyes and mouths highlighted in white only, Lynn. Orange pumpkins are still okay.

    An intellectual debate is possible on the black pumpkins and how they might bother some given their resemblance to blackface actors but not here. All you do here is post something (usually in a meme or some other visual format) make an inflammatory comment and then sit back and watch how your readers react, waiting for someone to disagree with you so you can demean & belittle them and call them names.

    Day after day after day. It never gets old for you, Lynn, does it?

  2. You Left-wingers make everything controversial. Now it's pumpkins. What a joke. Go back to your safe space and hang out.

  3. What if the pumpkins were black with orange eyes and mouths? Would they still be called racist? The slur is used by Democrats when you disagree with them. It's their fighting motto.

  4. I just learned this year there was such a thing as BLACK tomatoes. I would put money on it that there is some fool out there that would label them "racist" as well. Lighten up, Democrats. You're losing.

  5. These pumpkins look like Justin Trudeau.

  6. We don't need another holiday for the poor to spend what little they have on this garbage. I wonder how Senator Scott expects us to stop buying Chinese products when that is all they have for sale. All of this junk is from China.

  7. suppose8-07 has something nasty to say bout the man that put 2 pumpkins in a pair of pants to make it look like they are mooning you.get over it.also I saw some pumkins painted like m and ms.guess that offends you also

  8. 1030am good comment! Let's not forget Trudeau skated for his racist act. A liberal darling can do no wrong.
