Tuesday, October 22, 2019

More on Lake Worth Commissioner travel

Analyzing Lake Worth Beach’s travel budget: Was $39,000 well spent?

"Katy Sorenson, former founder and CEO of the Center for Good Government at the University of Miami, county commissioner in Miami and current fellow at Florida State,said staying at a beachfront resort or casino while making layoffs and cutting library hours might not have been the best trip to take this year.

“Maybe they could have gotten some other kind of networking done in the lower 48.

Under difficult circumstances Hawaii might be a little extravagant. The optics aren’t good on that one, even if they learned a lot.”

Read about it...

And what "gets" me the most--they never give a full report on spending taxpayer money.


  1. your readers wont believe they are corrupt.agreed vote them ALL out

  2. One thing for sure, anonymous, my readers are smarter than your readers. We sort of understand greed and corruption and in this case, unnecessary and expensive travel vacations.

  3. $16,000,000 city budget.

    $29,000 travel budget.

    Wow! KraYzeE! Vote them out, bring back the progressives!

  4. @3:02--Your numbers are inaccurate but then, you totally missed the point. And you have a "progressive" up on the commission who has spent more than any other commissioner.

  5. $19,000, $49,000, $29,000 or $39,000 it’s small potatoes that’s the point. Also who would you like to replace Maxwell or any of these guys and gal? You want The Best Commission Ever back in town, your “progressive” buddies? That’s the point!

  6. When your city is in financial straights, you don’t go spending $$$ on travel. As the article said, bad optics. And your smart Alec comments don’t work for me
