Thursday, October 31, 2019

Message from Laura Loomer, Candidate District 21


Just as our Special Forces operators were engaged in a fight to take down the leader of an international terrorist group, a member of the United States House of Representatives stood on American soil, enthusiastically addressing and promoting a group that has been designated by the UAE as a “terrorist organization”.

The following day, two hours after President Trump announced the death of the leader of ISIS, this same member of Congress posted a picture on Instagram proudly wearing a shirt, blazoned with the logo of the same group that is linked to terrorism.

In that picture, this member of Congress is standing and smiling next to, Hassan Shibly, who has sued the Trump administration to defend a woman who joined ISIS and married TWO ISIS terrorists. This “ISIS Bride” also made the statement that she wanted to kill innocent Americans in the name of ISIS.

But it didn’t stop there.

After another few hours, this Congressperson, in an attempt to shift the narrative away from Islamic terrorism, which she enables, posted this on Twitter:
“We must confront the hateful ideology of white nationalism and treat it like the national security threat that it is.”

Want to take a guess who this elected member of Congress is?

You guessed it, Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar.

If that’s not an attempt to send a message of support to our enemies, I don’t know what is.

This is why I am fighting to become a member of Congress. Your support is vital to make that happen.

I want to be able to stand on the floor of the House Chamber, live on CSPAN, and initiate a vote to EXPEL Ilhan Omar from Congress.

Our Constitution binds our elected officials to their oath of office.

Ilhan Omar, with her hand on the Quran, swore, “I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic . . .”

She has done the opposite, and should be the sixth person in the history of our Republic to be expelled from Congress.

Will you help me make that happen?

If given the privilege to serve in Washington, I will expose Ilhan Omar and any other member of Congress who betrays their oath of office.

Following the guidelines of our Constitution, I will work to have trojan-horse enemies within, expelled from office.

All I need is for you to help me get to Washington by supporting my campaign today.

Thank you again for all that you do.


Laura Loomer

P.S. There has been a lot of chatter about “impeaching” members of Congress, but the Constitution makes it clear that members of the House or Senate can be expelled from office with a two-thirds vote. Only five members of Congress have ever been expelled from office. Ilhan Omar has betrayed her oath of office by openly supporting multiple terrorist organizations and terror-tied groups. Let’s make her the sixth Congressional expulsion in the history of our nation.

P.P.S. After you donate, please forward this email to your friends and family members so that they are aware of Ilhan Omar’s actions that betray all of us.


  1. don't get it a teacher is fired for giving his opinion [first amendment] and this bitch says the awful things against citizens and nothing happens again [first amendment]weather I agree with either one where is the equality here

  2. First of all, the teacher was an EDUCATOR. And to be a Holocaust denier was damn stupid. This is not about OPINION. There is a very high standard to meet when you are an educator. This is about the truth and the facts. And that is not what eventually got him fired. It was "ethical misconduct" and failure to carry out job responsibilities.
    Secondly, to compare him to a politician who IS campaigning is like apples and oranges, night and day.
    There is no comparison here. NONE. And to call her a "bitch" is really unnecessary. You don't like her message? She doesn't care.

  3. And one more thing--He was a Principal and in education for 26 years. He should have known better than to make a stupid and factually wrong statement--refusing to say that WWII and the extermination of the Jews was a fact. How very sad for our children today to be taught and/or led by someone such as he.

  4. lynn you need help this woman is supposed to be leading our country.

  5. @2:51. LOL.
    I didn't endorse her! I put out her message.
    I don't endorse people in primaries.
    And on top of that, anyone who can defeat Lois Frankel is OK with me.

  6. im talking about omar

  7. So why then do I "need help?"
    I think all Democrats need help.
