Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Joe and Hunter Biden

Report Reveals The Biden’s TRUE CORRUPTION!

Everyone likes to think that Joe Biden is this kindly old man that is just trying to do good. In fact, that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Sean Hannity breaks down the Biden-Ukraine timeline


  1. Oh Biden is corrupt? Knock me over with a feather! How about..... Bush/Cheney? How about Clinton? How about...... yes Trump?

    They are ALL corrupt. (notice no exclamation mark) It is a fact of political life.
    So once we admit they are ALL corrupt, now you have to look at who is stupic enough to get caught. Hmmm.

    Let's see. Biden took his son on the trip to both Ukraine and China and netted his son some BIG bucks with no experience. Is that "arms length" transactions with no expectations of favors?

    Let's see, Trump holds up congress approved money for military aid for Ukraine until he talks (this is how he gets caught, no plausible deniability) to his presidential counterpart and "asks for a favor".

    Someone is holding up my $400,000,000 I need to protect myself from...... wait for it....... Russia. And he asks only a small favor. No pressure. Just a small favor.

    Yes, what Biden was probably corrupt but he was at arms length. Trump thinks he is so good, he can get away with just about anything. This may be the straw.

    Yes, he is well versed in stall and delay tactics. Refuse to turn over documents to congress. Probably will go to the Supreme Court. It is not that he is more or less corrupt than his predecessors. It is just that he is getting caught.

    A lot of brilliant moves, one stupid mistake.

  2. @1:27
    You really need to write your own blog.
    If you think President Trump is stupid, then you are delusional.
    Democrats twist the truth and the narrative all of the time. It's what you do.
    So, write your own blog.

  3. Sorry if you took my comment to mean I think he is stupid. But even brilliant people make mistakes. There are tons of people who think he is stupid. Many wish he would stop tweeting so much. He's an asshole but he's not stupid. You don't get as far in life and business as he has by being stupid.

    The entire time all the libs are calling for his impeachment, I kept thinking "for WHAT?" What is the "high crime or misdemeanor"?

    There was never anything there.

    Now, I think there is. If they can prove he held up money appropriated by congress and link it to ANY type of favor, that would/could constitute a

    Even the Senate with its majority might look at this as egregious. Remember, not all repubs like the orange one either.

    Like they say, stay tuned.

  4. Falling into the Schiff trap

  5. @3:35. I really resent your calling the president an "asshole."
    This is the absolute LAST time I post any of your comments like this.
    The ONLY people who think or say he is "stupid" are Democrats.
    He tweets a lot because he has the News Media totally against him. It is his only recourse to get out his message.
    There is nothing there to impeach him for.
    Why not look at his record and focus on the positive rather than the liberal agenda? Everyone is tired of this crap.

  6. Didn't realize I had to be so politically correct with you. Most all of the world leaders that we hear of everyday are A holes. Kim, Che, Putin, Netanyahou, Merkle and now the new clown in the United Kingdom. Trump is "our" a hole and I'm glad he is one. Obama was a pu....sh-over. (almost)

    I am not a "never Trumper"; I am also not a huge Trump supporter. I like to think I can look objectively at what he has accomplished, which is considerable, and where he has failed. Is there a "deep state"? Probably. Are they out to get him? Most definitely. He has out-smarted them at almost every turn. Almost.

    This guy (Trump) LIVES to be criticized, LOVES the power and is executing ideas he's espoused for years and decades.He doesn't care if nobody agrees with him.Even his own staff and advisors. In this regard, he is dangerous.

    If you roll back regulations, are you going to piss off environmentalists? If you build up the military, are you going to piss off the snow-flakes?
    If you make America Great Again, will you piss off the apologists who think our country is evil?
    If you secure our border, will you piss off all those here illegally and their protector bleeding hearts?
    If you raise tariffs on goods that used to be manufactured here in factories that employed the greatest workforce ever, will you piss off countries that wish us harm and seek world economic dominance?

    Do you think some pu....sh-over could even start to do these things. I'm glad he is an A hole. He prides himself in being one.

    And lastly, do you think someone like me could EVER vote for someone like Pocahantas, or Crazy Bernie or even Creepy Uncle Joe? Maybe I'm not the one delusional.

  7. President Trump is doing exactly what we who voted for him expect. Yes, he's ticking liberals off who no longer can jerk a president around...he's ticking off world leaders--all who deserve it. And he is fearless.
    And I'm NOT delusional.

  8. lynn looks like this guy is trying to write a book on your time.he calls Obama a pushover.sure looks like that pushover family did ok

  9. @5:53...the difference in President Trump and Obama---Trump had his money BEFORE being President. Obama made all of his AFTER he was elected.

  10. Obama's family is doing ok. That is a rebuttal to him being labeled a pushover. He did a crack job with the economy and race relations in 8 years n office. Good thing he got that Nobel Peace Prize in his first two months in office.

    Yes, all the other countries loved him because he was a pushover. An apologist for this country.

    He is the main reason this country is so divided. 8 years of doing nothing and accomplishing nothing and sending Hilary around the world accomplishing nothing followed by Kerry who, you guessed it, accomplished nothing.

    Damn good thing we all now have affordable health insurance and no-one will die. LOL.

  11. @10:15--I will take this as your sarcasm. All your points, however, are mostly correct.
    And if you want affordable health insurance, tell your Democrat friends to allow a bill to be passed in Congress along with prescription drugs. They just keep dragging their feet on all legislation. At least Trump eliminated the fee to all those who opted out of buying Obamacare.

  12. we put up with the pushover president and didnt call him names so stop calling PRESIDENT TRUMP names.you seem to think that everyone is in step with you but there are a lot of us that didnt agree with the past elected.

  13. Trump is a silver spoon dork who bankrupted Atlantic City casinos, how does that happen? Thank god Steve Bannon, Steven Miller, Wilber Ross and company are running things in DC because Trump is hit or miss.

  14. Dork? I think you mean Obama.
    Bankrupted casinos? Thanks to the 8 years of Obama and the major depression we had, yeah, Trump reorganized...Three of the casino bankruptcies came during the recession of the early 1990s and the Gulf War. He used legal maneuvers designed to restructure their massive debt. What's wrong with that? It was all legal.
    Steve Bannon? He hasn't been with the administration for 2 years.
    Every president has department heads and leaders to help advise the president to that he can run the country. He takes advice from them as does every president before him.
    Who is the real dork? Stand up, 10:35.
