Friday, October 11, 2019

"I'm Pissed!"

“I’m pissed!” says GOP congressman

about Democrats lying and trying to depose President Trump. Right. Then why aren’t you doing anything about it?

"I can’t tell who I’m madder at, congressional Democrats for being the lying, corrupt, filthy, scummy swamp rats that they are, or congressional Republicans who sit and watch the lying, corrupt, filthy, scummy swamp rats operate with impunity each and every day to remove from the White House the finest patriot who We the People have installed there since George Washington oversaw its construction."

Read Powdered Wig


  1. When you post news articles from around the country, you get very little response on your blog. Everybody has the internet, and they can read these articles elsewhere.

    Stick to what you know, Lynn. Lake Worth!

  2. You have mocked Powdered Wig in the past.
    My suggestion--DON'T READ what you don't want to read.
    Next, tell it to the thousands of bloggers or web sites that do the same thing.
    I realize that you are "pissed" about what I put on my blog.
    Too bad.
    I am focused on deplorable Democrats and the re-election of President Trump. I guess you didn't know that.

  3. I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't read it, and I don't know who powdered wig is. I'm willing to bet that most of your contributors didn't read it either.

    Your self-aggrandizing manner when it comes to matters you know nothing about, is laughable.

  4. @11:58
    there you go again--absolutely nothing to contribute here but name call.
    You guys are going down in defeat in 2020--BIG TIME.
    Can't wait.
    Perhaps then you will admit you've been on the wrong side and may even start loving our country again. I doubt it though--socialists and Democrats are lost little puppies. So sad. :)

  5. Oh, one more thing and something I never promote--I have had thousands of views today. Most people read but don't comment and that's true on a lot of blogs. But, people are getting the message.
    Wasn't the president great in Minneapolis and Lake Charles?
