Friday, October 4, 2019

Congressman Brian Mast

Congressman Mast spoke to many issues last night but I am concentrating on one--guns.

There were a few members or guests at the Republican Club of Central Palm Beach County meeting last night attempting to give Congressman Brian Mast a negative message with some hand-made signs at the entrance to Atlantis Country Club. They describe themselves as amendment 2 supporters and don't like his stand on guns. Although it was said to me that they had many problems with Mr. Mast, not just guns, not one was mentioned. It seems their displeasure began after the Parkland shooting when Mast called for Universal background checks. He wants to close gun law loopholes.

U.S. Rep. Brian Mast, who once had an “A” rating from the National Rifle Association, says Congress should — and will — pass new gun restrictions. Mast supports prohibiting the sale of assault and tactical firearms without confiscating such weapons that are already owned, ensuring that all firearm purchasers undergo a background check, improving background checks, banning the sale of gun accessories that enhance the firing rate of weapons, such as bump stocks, preventing those who have been detained for mental illnesses from purchasing firearms, ensuring that those on the Terror Watch List cannot purchase firearms, and placing anyone who makes threats of violence against schools on an FBI watch list for "a long time". Mast also supports conducting further research on gun violence, which is currently prohibited in some ways by federal law [wikipedia]

The NRA sought to punish Mast for post-Parkland positions, reducing his grade to an “F” when he ran for re-election last year winning by 54.3%. Now he has a new Republican opponent for 2020, NICK VESSIO who says he will make Mast a thing of the past. Because of some negativity among a small minority of Republicans, Democrats now feel Mast is vulnerable and will run their own opponent.

Congressman Mast answering questions from club members with Ruth Field Beck. At the end of his speech and Q&A, he got a standing ovation.


  1. It takes real courage for a Republican to stand up to the NRA. I will vote for him because of that stand.

    The other guy is just a sycophant.

  2. It doesn't take any courage to stand up to a Republican. We believe in free speech. It takes someone who is convinced of his convictions to stand up at all for anything. It is Democrats who want to squash the First Amendment along with the 2nd.
    You, on the other hand, are an idiot and unless you live in the northern portion of Palm Beach County through Martin and St. Lucie Counties, you CAN'T vote for him.
    So, take a hike on all your looney issues that you Dems are promoting.
    The rest of the crap you wanted me to post is deleted.

  3. He didn't stand up to a Republican, he stood up to the NRA. Further more, smarty pants, he is on my ballot. So go tell your squad you were wrong, and apologize to them.

    You're on a roll Lynn, but don't forget your physics lesson: What goes up must come down.

  4. To anonymous--you're not standing up at all by posting anonymously-
    And, I guess you can't read.

  5. Sounds like 11:15 has made a threat towards you, Lynn. Is that a Republican doing that?

  6. You all are clowns and this blog is Palm Beach Clown Central.

  7. 1:17 It’s amazing that when Democrats are losing their azzes, they always, without fail, resort to Bull Chit
