Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Best Quote of the Day - President Trump

“If Turkey does anything that I, in my great and unmatched wisdom, consider to be off limits, I will totally destroy and obliterate the economy of Turkey (I’ve done before!).”

~ President Trump

Love this quote! 💗


  1. Trump knows what he's doing. Turkey had better not strike the Kurds.

  2. President Trump and ErdoÄŸan must have made an agreement in that phone call.

  3. Trump loves to troll the leftist loons! LOL! MAGA

  4. I can't count the number of times that we've abandoned the Kurds. I don't know why they can't reconcile themselves to a peaceful life. For all the years I've been aware of them, they've always been fighting. They wanted their own country, and that never materialized. When you belong to a really small demographic group, you have to try and get along with the other group. Personally, I think they enjoy their life of war. They remind me of the Taliban.

  5. I hope that Trump doesn't listen to RINOs like Lindsey Graham when it comes to the Kurds. They helped America eliminate ISIS and now it's time for them to fend for themselves. Like President Trump said, they weren't with us at Normandy, they didn't fight with us in Viet Nam...what do we owe them? Good luck, Kurds. Thanks for the help!
