Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Workshop on ADU's - The Attempted Coup

Last night's Lake Worth commission workshop was Omari's baby. Not only did he start a petition on Change.Org to "prove" his case (on Change.Org you can have people signing a petition from Timbuktu or Oregon), he also stacked the chamber with residents wanting accessory dwellings.

I don't think this was a "real" workshop.  It was a well thought out clever attempt to execute a coup by two commissioners. Luckily, Commissioner Maxwell was there to stop it.

The Mayor and Andy Amoroso were absent as they were attending the U.S. Conference of Mayors. My question is why was an important workshop, that can change the demographics and dynamics of our city forever, scheduled when the Mayor and Vice Mayor were out of town and could not weigh in. Everyone knew they would be out of town. Last night there were only three commissioners present; Omari Hardy and Herman Robinson, both wanting to increase our density and Scott Maxwell against.

"This is a big deal," said Commissioner Maxwell.

70% of our city consists of single family residences. Staff has no idea of how many ADU's are present in our city. Omari Hardy wants to allow homeowners to take their own "economic development engines" and be able to build these accessory units. Herman basically went along with Omari and "wants to move forward."

Omari wants more density and cited reasons (such as assisting our downtown merchants with more foot traffic--) but did not consider the basic facts that our population density is 6,303 per sq mi which is 2047% higher than the Florida average and 6857% higher than the national average. More people is what he thinks we need.

Omari asked that an ordinance be drafted for the next meeting but Commissioner Scott Maxwell reminded him that they did not have a quorum to move the item forward. The city attorney concurred. This took Hardy and Robinson by surprise. They surmised that they could push the Ordinance forward for a vote.

This item will be on the next Commission agenda for 30 minutes max in order to get a consensus to go forward with the real possibility of doubling our density in this small city. Not to mention the cost of infrastructure to accomplish this, can you even imagine the cost of city services and public safety that will escalate?


  1. A developers dream. Think of all the jobs created.

  2. What the hell, Omari? Don't we have enough poor people in this city. You used examples of annual incomes of over $100,000 when our residents make around $32,000. How are they even going to afford to build one of these units? When you own your own house, let's talk.

  3. @10:03 I agree with you... I wish Omari would buy a place in the city or even rent a place more connected to town. He lives on the fringe with one foot out the door. Renters and homeowners are not vested in the city in the same way. There are always exceptions to that but as a homeowner here I always feel like he just doesn’t “get it”

  4. when lantana is done with their big project people will probably be going there to shop.what does lake worth have to offer .a few resturants,bars and so called art.where does Omari think people are going to park with limited parking.these socialists have big ideas with no idea

  5. Crapville will get crappier if the Socialist Omari Hardy gets his way. Can someone do a FOIA request on this idiots E-mails? Pretty sure this is a nationwide push to help in the cause of open borders.Fuc all of us. After all-where will all of the illegals flooding our towns and cities live? Want to see what this will bring to every house in your neighborhood? Just drive by the flophouse hotel in the 600 block of Sunset drive in Lake Osborne. My advice? Kick Omari and Robinson out of office or get the hell out of here while you still can.

  6. I knew Robinson was a drone. I expected more from Omari, but it appears I was wrong. Once again, this has to come from the Real Estate community, who are basically starving to death, unless they can find somebody to rob. Why do people keep going into a field, where they tell you in the class, that only a minute percentage of Real Estate Professionals make big money, and the rest are basically below minimum wage.

  7. Lynn, you hit the nail right on the head about a put up job. Never seen most of the people there last night. Can we even be sure that they live in Lake Worth? Since apparently this all began with a petition on That is NATIONAL. Why should a petition on a NATIONAL program be tripling the density of my neighborhood which I purposely bought to LIVE IN A SINGLE FAMILY NEIGHBORHOOD. Where I have the privilege of knowing and respecting my neighbors. If I wanted to live in a crowded bunch of rentals or airb&b's I would have moved there. Knowing and respecting your neighbors is what makes for safe neighborhoods.
    Even so the city has not got a good handle on our Sober Homes: i.e. another scheme to make money which makes millionaires out of slum lords who increase our drug trade, decrease our personal safety, while increasing our homeless population and crime. The presentation showed cute little cottages in alleyways in Atlanta. This is practically made to order for our drug traffickers: they love alleyways and dark corners, being out of the spotlight, and rentals where they can move quickly and change residences. We cannot control the blight this has created throughout our city and the crime now.
    OH, an easy extra income for starving teachers...First, if you are having a hard time paying your bills, how is building another 2 buildings going to help your bottom line?? Spend $300,000-$500,000 to maybe collect 2-3 grand in rent way down the line?
    And with tripling the population I think we can easily count on tripling as well one of our largest expenditures in the City budget: the Sheriffs Department. Make no mistake: this will greatly increase our taxes. Not to mention infrastructure. These "cute little homes" will need water and electric: new lines. Inspections: increase Code Department.
    Safety: 3 times the density means triple the land surface covered in concrete slabs. NONPOROUS. We live in a HURRICANE ZONE, folks. Storm surge plus lots of rain= Cute little Lake Worth now underwater when we get hit good again in season. Are these to be hooked up to sewer? Or septic. I envision more nitrogen pollution along with human waste in flooding times. Endangering the aquifer, our water.
    So Suzie Q, our cash strapped teacher, now has 2 new abodes in her back yard. Her taxes along with everyone else's has increased by 10-20% to pay for this infrastructure, and increased service need in the city, her $500-800 mortgage is now $2-4,000/month. And she can recoup maybe $2,000 in rent. This is selling a fantasy that will take you to bankruptcy much quicker that to easy income. Get an undercover drug dealer in and live close to a cute sober home? Maybe pay with your life. We cannot control what goes on now.
    If not for Scott Maxwell last night, Herman and Omari, would have pushed this through, made up an ordinance on the spot, broken the rules in our charter, and royally screwed most of us before we learned about this scheme. And I even voted for Omari, he seemed to be a detailed thinker and had the city at heart. Sure sounds now like he is another legislator gone to the dark side and resting and governing soundly in the back pocket of the developers. And Herman a willing second even mouthing the same "Moving Forward." I would love to know how many architects and developers were involved. That is exactly who will benefit from this poorly conceived scheme. The city presently HAS NO IDEA how many already exist.
    AND THEY WANT TO TRIPLE THE CITY DENSITY, on the sly before our 70% single family homeowners are even aware??
    We need to vote them OUT, and make darn sure all our neighbors are aware of this hair brained scheme.
    This is not Atlanta, and this is not right. It is not fair or just to we the 70% single family home owners who play by the rules.

  8. This is just the worst. Who could come up with such a deplorable scenario? How could a sane person even conceive of such an affront to the the citizens of this town. I can't even believe I voted for Omari, and he would propose a scheme like this. What kind of a fiend could even imagine a scenario like this? I can just see the rapacious bankers, smacking their lips. Maybe they'd like to bring an empty container and set it on the property. It's positively obscene! You're finished Omari; enjoy your last two years!

  9. Yes, just allow all these AirBnB of Lake Worth cottages rentals for nights or weeks, more renting in lake worth. Will they pay bed tax? That is all Lake Worth needs is more renting of all these places, the city is already like 90% rental now, a huge dump, so transient and so many illegals. The elected are deranged and do a disservice to the city and community. Vote all these clowns out!

  10. Where are these places supposed to fit? Most homes are like on an eighth of an acre. Getting down the street is like an obstacle course as it is.

  11. If you are opposed to this better count on showing up at the next commission meeting where sure as shootin' Omari will again have the chamber packed with his hand picked people to all proclaim the wonders of tripling our population while making a hard run around Zoning. I'm sure all the architects and developers will the there just waiting to cash in.
    Oh, yea, I'm sure all the Sober Homes will be rooting for this to triple their million dollar businesses as well.
    Oh and of course the drug dealers, but they may be a bit more circumspect.
