Thursday, June 27, 2019

Winning is the only game for Democrats

We have had a border problem for years. CNN does say that it got worse under Trump. Well, we all know why.

Democratic leadership has introduced poison pill provisions for "fixing" our border, that would restrict the ability of law enforcement to remove illegal aliens and would not include funds for detention beds. Now some irrational brainwashed liberal weenies walked off the job at Mayfair because of their government contract to send mattresses to the kids at these detention camps. Some of them want to do away with ICE. They fight President Trump at every opportunity. We have Sanctuary cities dotted throughout our country encouraging illegals to break our laws--all cities controlled by liberals and offering them free stuff and utopia.

And we can't forget the globalists behind the entire matter who want open borders and One World Order whose only aim is to bring down our Republic.

Migrants have been weaponized by globalist-funded groups to cause instability and chaos around the world and now the United States is their goal. Democrats, even knowing this, don't care. It's all about winning back the White House for them. And Democrats tell us if we don't like their directives then we all are "racists" and Trump, along with all Republicans, are mentally ill.


  1. did you watch the debate? Whoa.

  2. Yes Castro said abortion right must be protected for trans gender "women" so I guess they can hire a surrogate to have an abortion for them. Womens' Healthcare is dem speak for abortion anytime.

  3. The worst was DeBlasio; next worst was Castro and then Warren. After that, there were some fairly interesting comments by some people I had never heard of. The star, the break-out candidate was Tulsi.
