Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Project Veritas exposes Google - "Fairness is a Dog Whistle"

Insider Blows Whistle & Exec Reveals Google Plan to Prevent "Trump situation" in 2020 on Hidden Cam

• Insider: Google "is bent on never letting somebody like Donald Trump come to power again."


Google took it down! Below is something on it. Click here to listen to it


  1. Why we all should be incensed by the manipulation of the liberal media.

  2. Video no longer available says Google. LOL

  3. Google is a private entity they can do whatever the want as long as they don’t break any laws. You want to throw them in jail or something?

  4. What we want is for people to understand what the social media are doing. Brainwashing and you are one of those who have bitten that bullet?

  5. Google is a private entity they can do whatever the want as long as they don’t break any laws. You want to throw them in jail or something?

  6. Google has broken multiple laws. Start with freedom of speech and discrimination.

  7. Remember when radio stations banned the Dixie Chicks and smashed their records because they said they were ashamed of George W. Bush?

    I bet y'all were at the front lines rooting for the Dixie Chicks, complaining about free speech and discrimination, right?

    You folks might actually make some sense if you spent any measurable amount of time thinking about things instead of just knee jerking it all the time.

  8. @10:35...saying you are against the Iraq War and ashamed to be a Texan because Bush was from there and saying it in a foreign country is really crass. Everyone believed that Iraq had WMD's. EVERYONE. It passed in Congress. They personally attacked their country.

    BUT to compare that to Google that is manipulating voters to get a result in the election and actually hacking the outcome is once again apples and oranges--NO COMPARISON, none whatsoever.

    So please stop your bias here and start thinking about our country because social media is manipulating the outcome of our elections, and we no longer have a Republic or a democracy. Democrats will do anything to win. SICKENING.

  9. That's not true Lynn; not everyone. I didn't, and I didn't come to a conclusion like that by myself. Many conservative sources spoke against it. Read the American Conservative. Don't compare yourself with the Lemmings.
