Sunday, June 23, 2019

President Trump is reinstating Travel Restrictions to Cuba

During his presidency, Barack Obama lifted restrictions on Americans traveling to Cuba

This was done in an effort to entice the communist dictatorship to step into the 21st century and enact democratic reforms.

Let’s just say that plan hasn’t worked out. At all.

Read about it...


  1. The regime continues to harass, intimidate and jail Cubans who dare to voice an opinion different from the one the regime wants them to have.” Haha. Take out the word"Cubans" and you have a perfect description of the Democrats and Bob Muellers Witch Hunt team!

  2. We need to go back to what didn't work for 50 years. Immediately!

  3. I thought all the Cubans were here. I couldn't care less what happens in Cuba. What puzzles me, is all of the people traveling on these cruise ships with Thousands of people, and then wondering why they get sick. I wouldn't be seen dead on one of those ugly ships.

    Not to mention going to a country where you can't drink the water, and have to worry about tropical diseases. Just thinking about it makes me want to see the snow covered mountains of Switzerland.

  4. @11:11--y9ou sarcasm is noted.
    this is a communist country that suppresses its people. Democrats love to stand up for these type of regimes.
