Saturday, June 8, 2019

Low Life in Lake Worth (Beach)

Lake Worth Beach man accused of attacking 81-year-old with car, hands

So much for the name change...we still have unsavory criminals in this city.

Read about the low-life... attacking an old man and then conjuring up an excuse for his outrageous and criminal behavior. He will now be up on serious charges.


  1. I thought we all agreed here that the Palm Beach Post was a liberal rag and that no one was reading it any more?

  2. 12:09 off subject. Pay attention.

  3. Looks like the perp is one of those protected species who come to the IS to "work"

  4. @9:22--the perps are actually all of you who do not believe in innocent until proven guilty and who believe in vengeance is mine, taking the law into your own hands. Can we get back to the Constitution?

  5. "Lock her up!" says the woman who demands that everyone respect the Constitution and the concept of "innocent until proven guilty."

    Most Self-Unaware Person in Palm Beach County.

  6. @2:19--you must enjoy being a loser--and still supporting one. LOL.

  7. Speaking of loosers, when was the last time you supported a winner in Lake Worth? How’s Ryan Hartman doing?

  8. Have no idea how Ryan Hartman is doing--don't think he even lives around here. The last time I supported a winner was Omari Hardy.

  9. 2:19 Hillary Clinton IS guilty and should have been locked up years ago.

  10. You hypocrite! You dorks called Mr Hardy’s school because you didn’t believe he worked there and you didn’t believe where he lived attacking him. Remember Katherine?

  11. All local candidates are verified, especially after Serge and Hartman. You have a problem with a blog verifying a candidate's credentials?
    Who is Katherine?

  12. To the mental giant who continues to try and post here...go fly a kite. I am a blogger. I am NOT a journalist, however, I do attempt to check out local candidates. We do have some duds up there. So, do what Democrats do best--LIE and Malign everyone who disagrees with you. That's what you do best.
    I support Omari on a large majority of local issues but I am 100% against him on national politics. If he can stay fair in LW politics and issues and solve some of the problems that we have that are important to me, I will continue to support him. He is smart as hell. Making our city a "Welcoming City" was not a vote of which I approved nor were the stupid ID's for illegal aliens.

  13. I'm glad to hear that Lynn. I think it's very important to be able to separate local from national issues. I also support him, and I appreciate that the majority of voters here were able to discern that his grasp of the issues was more important to the city than whatever his totally unqualified rival was selling.

    I have to add, however, that Omari is a case in point against Term Limits. I rather imagine that our founders believed that term limits worked against the principle that experience is the best teacher. Better to weed out unqualified candidates by not voting for them.

  14. @11:07...and SM is a case in point FOR term limits. In fact, the entire trio has been in there too long, IMO.

  15. Other than completely dysfunctional people, nobody runs against them.
