Thursday, June 6, 2019

Lou Dobbs on Republican Senators

Patriot Lou Dobbs calls GOP senators “cowards” for not supporting their president on tariffs. He is right. He also fears for our republic. Me too.

1 comment:

  1. No one wants to pay more for the products we consume. But we have become a nation of consumers. We purchase crap we don't need because it is cheap, made by underpaid people in developing countries with sub-standard living conditions, which have, over the years and decades, decimated our own manufacturing industries and all of the support businesses and people they employed.

    If the predecessors to Trump had been watching out for we the people, they would have implemented tariffs, in smaller percentages, over the years when they saw factories closing. But they were cowards fearing a trade war. Wanting to be friendly to they poor nations.

    This is what I think of when I see the "Make America Great Again" slogan. Implementing policy that brings back industry that can compete on a more level playing field with other countries that don't have the safeguards we expect here. Our system is far from perfect but is far superior to that of China where if you wish better work conditions, there are a thousand people waiting in line for your position.

    Trump is carrot and stick with Mexico. It is without doubt they are not doing enough to stop illegal immigration and he is being thwarted at every turn by the bleeding hearts on this side of the border. So this is one more arrow in his quiver.

    I hope they take him seriously and do more to turn back the thousands of people fleeing their poor conditions to make new poor conditions here.
