Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Last Night's Lake Worth Commission Meeting

I ventured down to the city commission meeting last night mainly to see State Rep. Mike Caruso but I did watch the YouTube video of what transpired.

The most interesting thing on the Agenda was the last minute inclusion of discussion under New Business on placing items on the Agenda. This was added by the city manager although it was never mentioned what particular staff member added it to the agenda.

We have a definite policy in place about placing items on the agenda and this hasn't been adhered to in years.  Items are being placed on the agenda at any time staff chooses--this is against the rules that say that an item must be added no later than 11 days prior to the commission meeting other than an emergency. It was also said, however, that it is staff that places items on the agenda although our policy says that Commissioners also can add items. I concluded that commissioner inclusions have been discouraged by staff.

Commissioner Hardy and Commissioner Robinson were right on point...there needs to be a process to get ideas in front of the commission that have been either denied or just plain ignored by staff. Apparently commissioners are discouraged to place anything on the agenda. The City manager reports to the Commission. The Commissioners are the bosses. Commissioner Hardy said that he does not believe that they should cede any authority to people who are not elected. And he stated that it was their job to work with each other not FOR each other, answering Scott Maxwell's snarky comment.

This discussion went over the one-half hour mark and the mayor then said discussion was over; it would go to a workshop. At 1:35:53 Commissioner Hardy made a motion to extend the discussion with Herman seconding the motion. That motion was totally disregarded by the mayor and discussion ended. As Herman had said earlier, it's all about "democracy, debate and deliberation." That didn't happen last night.


  1. Wasn't it a proper motion?

  2. How dysfunctional

  3. That is why I just do not understand why the people keep pam and andy in office? They are two nasty pieces of work, horrible. So unacceptable for the city!

  4. Actually, Andy usually is reticent on controversial issues. He was ok last night but refused to vote on the motion for the EUAB that passed on a 4/1.

  5. When an item is placed on the agenda there needs to be ample notice to the public. That is not happening .

  6. The city is not much different than a condo board. You pay to live there, and they are supposed to run things. If every item were noticed, nothing would ever get done, and there would be even more grid-lock than usual. The people who run things are elected by the membership, and if you don't like them, there is not much you can do about it. I'm sorry, but that really goes for everything in life. Either you are personally involved in running things, or you take what they give you.

  7. @11:19--there is the power of the vote in both situations. Omari was voted into office in a landslide. He should be treated with more respect, IMO.
