Saturday, June 15, 2019

Illegal Population in the United States

Unauthorized immigrant population

"The number of Mexican unauthorized immigrants in the United States – 4.9 million in 2017 – has declined so sharply over the past decade that they are no longer the majority of the 10.5 million people living in the U.S. illegally. As the number of Mexicans has decreased, the number from other parts of the world has increased." [Pew]

First of all, let's be serious here.  There are a hell of a lot more illegal aliens living in our country. 10.5 million might be an estimate from 2016 but unrealistic today but no one knows the exact number. You can see the huge numbers of people crossing our border every night on Fox news.

And that is why a census question is appropriate. It is ridiculous not to know who is living in our country and how many illegals there are. There has not been a census question about citizenship status since 1950. We should get a ruling from the Supreme Court by the end of this month.

President Trump is building the wall in spite of the Democrats continued obstruction in securing our border.

1 comment:

  1. It is sad we still allow all of this human trafficking! That is what it is, illegals are trafficked here and pay upward of $7000 to their coyotes. WE forget about this. They should all be put in jail for life trafficking and enticing people this way.

    It was sad to hear about a young 6 year old who died in the AZ dessert today because her mother came in illegally and they had no water and the girl died. They are all so desperate to come to the USA, a lot of greed on so many peoples part.

    So sad. The greed, the desperation. To risk a child dying this way, all just to come here, how desperate can people be today?

    So sad, please pray to end illegal immigration and human trafficking.
