Sunday, June 30, 2019

Congress refusing to address the Border Crisis

James Dobson: Congress refusing to address border disaster

Americans are suffering border fatigue.

What should be a simple matter of exercising American sovereignty over the nation's borders and upholding the rule of law has devolved into a chaotic mess. Throw in the political finger-pointing and the continued Democrat and media effort to derail the Trump presidency, the problem not only seems too big to fix, it seems too big to understand.

"They know they will be fed, medicated, and treated humanely, even if they are in holding areas while they are in our custody. Then they will be released on American soil. This is the system set up by a liberal Congress and judges.

 It is a well-known fact that President Obama’s administration established many of these unworkable policies, and Congress is steadfastly unwilling to change them. "

Focus on the Family founder James Dobson has just returned from the southern border and he has a story to tell

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