Sunday, June 16, 2019

AOC at it Again

According To AOC, America Is Committing Crimes Against Humanity…With A Simple Citizenship Question

It's really insane with Democrats and the way they invent fake news and preposterously twist facts around like pretzels.

Now it's the new U.S. Census that AOC about which she is bellyaching. She even stated that she didn't trust the Supreme Court and cited two cases one of which was in 1857. Does anyone take this woman seriously?

Read about the kook...


  1. The only thing I want to know about her, is where she gets that lipstick. I have used many brands, and I can't get anything as bright and lasting as hers.

  2. I find it hard to believe that this idiot AOC was a bartender. You have to be pretty nimble mentally to be a good bartender. AOC was probably a cocktail waitress delivering the drinks.

  3. I think she was probably an excellent bartender. I'm more worried about what kind of legislator she will be.
