Friday, June 21, 2019

Actually Meghan McCain fits right in on The View

Meghan McCain slams Joy Behar during heated argument over Trump campaign kickoff: “Don’t feel bad for me, bitch. I’m paid to do this!”

ABC's The View is the most despicable show on television. Every brainless, air head, anti-Trumper in life watches it. You awaken and start your day with venum and say to yourself, "I want to hear people dumping on Trump today; I will turn on Joyless Behar and get my jollies off so I can feel a lot of Trump hate."

"The big news is Meghan McCain considers herself a Republican, which was the same delusion from which her late pa, king of the Rinos, suffered."



  1. The biggest mistake all you libs made, are now making and will continue to make is dissing the people who are supporters of Trump. Megan McCain made that observation to the whacko Behar who was in the middle of her tizzy, interupting Megan.

    Trump will more than likely be re-elected.

    Make two lists. On one, put down all Obama's accomplishments in his eight years as president and on the other, list Trump's in 3 years.

    It is hard to argue with success.

    Who on the Democrat side shows ANY signs of being principal in their ideology like Trump has over the last 20 - 30 years?

    Trump has not made the transition to become a "politician". The term we have come to loath. The glad-handing, pontificating, changes with the wind direction or who contributed to his campaign scumbag that will tell you what he thinks you want to hear to get elected. (Remind you of anyone here locally?)

    Trump was a scumbag before he threw his hat in the ring. We all knew it. So the media pointing out the obvious to us didn't work. He has held the strong opinion that the country has been going downhill for the political correctness, unfair trade practices which has decimated our manufacturing and other industries, and progressive ideologies which have spawned a much less secure nation for ourselves and our children.

    History is written by the winners and he IS winning.

    The dust-bin belongs to you losers.

  2. Meghan has found her level of incompetence among these ditzy women. (Excepting Whoppi, who has made some really funny movies)

  3. Whoopi is an alt-Left liberal who hates Trump---can't stand her.
    What is Meghan Kelly doing these days since she was fired from NBC?

  4. Whatever she is, she is really funny. Not much is really funny, and when I picture her in those bedroom slippers in Jumpin Jack Flash, I laugh all over again.

    Also, I don't think she is as left wing as she used to be.
