Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Xenophobia attributed to Trump administration Debunked

New Report Shows Trump Is Making America LESS Racist

The politically charged disparagement thrown at all conservatives by liberals is that we are "racist." They love to tell us that race relations are worse and at an all time low under Trump.  Actually that happened under Obama and hate groups such as the Southern Poverty Law Center is raising its hate rhetoric.

Daniel J. Hopkins and Samantha Washington, two University of Pennsylvania sociologists, have been conducting a running study that measures the racial attitudes of 2,500 randomly selected Americans since 2008.

 Read about it...


  1. anyone with common sense knew that already. Democrats need to wake up and smell the roses.

  2. ha ha...universities are bastions of liberalism...UNTIL THEY TELL US SOMETHING WE WANT TO HEAR!!!!


  3. Lynn, you of all people should know this: "It's the Economy Stupid"

    Nobody cares about this nonsense. If the stock market keeps dropping every day, and the prices at Walmart go up, he will not win the election. You can take that to the bank!

  4. As long as people are grateful for what they have and don't delude themselves that they are entitled to live like rock stars, thinking like middle schoolers, peace is possible.

  5. Well there's a recipe for Socialism if I ever heard one, 11:46.

  6. So now, he's not going to build infra-structure until they stop investigating him? What is this, his own personal playground? Get on with the people's business, and work out your problems on your own time.

  7. Live like a rock star 1:47, it's so easy to be delusional.

  8. @4:13--can we stick to the topic without you getting in your political shot? It was Pelosi who did something very, very stupid.

  9. That's neither here nor there Lynn. Why should we be deprived of the real things we are paying for? So these buffoons can fight and argue about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin! Trump was the one who wanted, who ran on infrastructure! You must remember him saying how our airports were like a third world country! They can stick this divided government!

  10. @8:38--the government is divided because of Democrats, not the other way around. You don't about to enter an important meeting and then disrespect the president, BIG TIME, in front of the news media right before you enter the door. REALLY DAMN DUMB of her. Democrats need to stop the chit and get on with business. How or why could anyone work with someone like Pelosi or Schumer that show, every damn day, that they hate your guts and look forward to your demise. And no, the president did exactly what he should have done and I am damn proud of him for doing it.
    The division is 100% on the shoulders of Democrats.

  11. And how do you propose to reconcile the fact that 1.18 trillion of the US Debt is owned by China, with the recently imposed tariffs. Suppose China just decides to call in the loans.

    Do you think they do this because they like us?

  12. Is it possible that anyonymous, just anyone ever, can stick with the topic?
    @12:23..At the end of the day, the People’s Republic needs our commerce a lot more than we need their commerce,” CNBC’s Jim Cramer says. If China got out of U.S. dollar assets completely, it would be very risky to them because of extreme market volatility. There are not going to scale down their holdings...It won't happen.
