Sunday, May 26, 2019

Victor Garcia da Rosa running against Lois Frankel

Frankel's a hard nut to crack and I give anyone a lot of credit for standing up for what's right and running against her.

Lois has an "F" rating from the NRA, indicating that the organization does not believe that she protects gun rights. She voted against the USA RIGHTS Act, which would have helped to restore Americans' protections against government surveillance.

Lois is essentially a "nay" vote on everything such as ending sanctuary cities, border security and the wall.  See her deplorable voting record which is that of a typical Democrat.

As a Republican Candidate for the United States House of Representatives in 2020, Victor Garcia da Rosa promises to put into practice the empowering words uttered by his father and speak for the underdog so they too can "work hard, rest hard, play hard" on their individual quests for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in the finest nation in the world.

His desire to serve Florida's 21st Congressional District is born out of a deep-rooted conviction, "....when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God."


  1. Hope the guy wins. Big!

  2. I heard him speak once and I believe he said his family originated from Spain. He speaks Spanish and Creole, that will help.

  3. Victor Garcia da Rosa is honored to lead the charge, and let our country know that as a “Born in the U.S.A.” Republican he is embracing the Trump Agenda, and believes that all citizens need to speak English. “More than 20% of District 21 speaks Spanish and so do I” da Rosa pointed out. “Communication with your constituents and bringing government back to the people is the centerpiece of my campaign” he added. President Trump should soon be embracing da Rosa as the GOP nominee.

  4. Lois more or less enjoys the same type of entrenchment as our Mayor, albeit on a larger scale. She has name recognition, and don't forget, many people credit her with the improvements that took place over her tenure as Mayor of WPB. It's hard to beat that kind of a reputation. She also has the support of womaen's groups for her support on women's issues.

    As far as Garcia da Rosa having roots in Spain; all of the Hispanics at some point can trace their roots to Spain. (or possibly Portugal)

  5. A lot of condemnation for Lois and what she did as mayor of WPB particularly on that government center that LOST at the polls. She said, so building it anyway. This is the arrogance. What's hard to beat is that PB County is a Democrat stronghold.

    ALL Hispanics have roots in Spain...not sure I believe ALL of anything but you could be right going back centuries to 1513 with Ponce de Leon

  6. Nancy Graham deserves a statue on the corner of Rosemary and Okeechobee. Lois is a hack!

  7. That may very well be so, but when I moved here, Lois was the Mayor, and Clematis Street was a construction site. I watched it turn into a very trendy pedestrian friendly area. Of course, now it is too trendy, and I have lost all desire to go there. But that is not Lois's fault.

  8. Was Victor even born in this country? We have enough Hispanics here. Having one more Congress only encourages more to come here. Why can't the Republican Party find a more English-sounding candidate? I'm tired of hearing these people talk in languages other than English. And this guy has a two-part last name. So sick of this stuff in South Florida.

  9. Yes he was born in this country. Now you are picking on him because of his name? Get real.
    Southern Florida is full of Hispanics and Victor will fit right in as he will be able to communicate with all of them even the Haitians.
    There's nearly 20% Hispanic voters in District 21.

  10. Yes, Southern Florida is "full of Hispanics," but isn't that the problem? I don't have a issue with him running and will probably even vote for him but I have to agree somewhat with 5:27 as far as not wanting to encourage those people. Also, I could really care less about him speaking Spanish and Creole. We speak English in this country, in case everyone has forgotten.

  11. Well, you either want to elect a Republican and get rid of Lois Frankel or you don't. You should go up to his web page and read up on him without judging his name. He didn't just get off the boat. He's not an illegal for God's sake.
    I think that his speaking 3 languages is a plus just as it is for Melania Trump who speaks 5.

  12. He could very well be Cuban. It's funny he doesn't just say where he's from. If he had Irish roots, he'd be only too happy to let us know that. People bring long held beliefs from their countries of origin, and it's important for us to know what those beliefs are. Case in point: The new congress woman from Minnesota! His descendants might have had Sugar Plantations in Cuba, and owned slaves. He could also be of North African or Middle Eastern extraction.

    What's the Secret?

  13. He's from the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. His heritage is European. My heritage is Norwegian, Scottish, French and Irish. So what? Anything else you want to know?
    @7:47...whatever is your problem?

  14. And does any candidate, and I mean ANY candidate say that gee, my parents are from this, that or the next country. It's irrelevant. He's an American citizen with family from Spain.

  15. Yes Lynn, they do. They are usually proud of their heritage. Don't be so quick to jump on the bandwagon.

  16. What does he do now? Is he an attorney? There is no information at all about him.

  17. 7:47 the "secret" is that congressgirl isn't from Minnesota. Mr Garcia is an American. Get over your phoney rant. It's high time we lost that crooked Democrat.

  18. @8:56...I gave a link to his web site.

  19. all you complaining about this mans name.i know you cant believe any politican around campaign time but I want to hear what he wants to do to to keep our great country moving forward.there have been a few people voted in that are different nationalitys.some good some not so good.i am tired of being stuck in the mud.if someone from Sweden or spain are AMERICAN CITIZENS and support our PRESIDENT TRUMP im for it

  20. As suggested, please visit his website @8:33. Where did your grandparents, etc. come from? Does it matter?

  21. Man, Lynn, I wish you would have defended Obama from the loons as you defend Victor.

    But Obama was a Democrat and he was...well, do I really need to go there, Lynn? Nope, don't think so.

  22. Why would I defend Obama on any count--he was a terrible president.

  23. His website says nothing. This is a real long-shot. Other than the Hispanic Community, who supports him? Do the Republicans just support anybody now? This is the only one running against Lois? Does that tell you something?

    If he defeats Lois, I think I'll run for President.

  24. @8:22...I don't know why you think you know so much. There are actually three Republican candidates now running against Frankel.
    And no, the Republicans don't run anyone. Qualified candidates step up to the plate.

  25. Well, a lot of water will go under the bridge by 2020. You do know her son is a Military Veteran of Iraq! That should give her some points.

  26. That only gives her son points.

  27. My name is Victor Garcia da Rosa. I was born in San Diego, California. Although I am proud of my heritage, my parents taught my siblings and me to cherish the fact we were born in the United States of America. Another thing they taught me was to be proud of my name. For this reason I go by my complete name. I only have one last name, da Rosa. My first name, legally, is Victor Garcia. Garcia in my case isn't my last name.

    Since I was born in the United States of America, why should I be called out for not labeling myself or identifying myself by my ancestors? My paternal grandfather and paternal great-uncles, all born in the Azores of Portugal, all commercial tuna fisherman, as American citizens where commissioned by the United States Navy to use their own tuna boats to transport supplies to our military personnel, their families and other U.S citizens in Hawaii and Guadalcanal, within days of the bombing of Pearl Harbor.

    My question to the anonymous person in this thread, "What bearing does the heroic acts of my grandfather and great-uncles have on me as a candidate for Florida's 21st Congressional District? I do not run in their accomplishments nor their patriotism. I run on my own patriotism!!! Yes, I am proud to be a descendant of these great men. Yet, I possess more pride in the fact I am blessed to be a natural born citizen of the greatest country this world has ever known, the United States of America!!!!

    My desire isn't to create a new legacy for me, such as my ancestors. My desire is the "Bring The Government Back To We The People" in 2020 and beyond. I seek nothing for myself. What I truly seek is to create a legacy for ALL Americans and ALL legal immigrants. A legacy built upon the foundation of the Constitution of the United States of America. A legacy built upon personal liberty, limited government, free markets, term-limits and the right to life, amongst other conservative things. I am a Freedom Caucus Conservative, holding to the values and form of government established by our Founding Fathers.

    Please, visit my campaign website and volunteer. Thank you.
