Friday, May 31, 2019

Trump Supporter gets Cited for Flag

Read about it... and the problem this Trump supporter got from the Boynton Beach Code Department for flying his flag on his front lawn.


  1. Because it has a vulgar word on it.

    Just like if someone flew a flag that said, "F*ck Trump."

    It's a violation either way.

  2. He probably has a RV, a motorcycle, a Dodge Ram, and ft high grass as well. He is the reason people live in gated communities.

    Not to mention a boat that hasen't moved in 15 years. He's probably in foreclosure, but the property is so dilapidated even the bank doesn't want it anymore.

  3. @12:55...NO DOUBT. LOL
    The article shows a little bit of his property. You are WRONG as usual and full of it as most Democrats ARE.

  4. Nikki Haley 2020!
