Thursday, May 30, 2019

The "Bern" just keeps burning bridges

Much-Touted Dem presidential Candidate has ANTI-SEMITISM problem

And he was born Jewish to boot!

"With something like two dozen Democrats announcing they're running for president, it can be a challenge to stand out.

And with nearly the entire field leaning left, every Democrat is looking to polish his or her progressive bona fides by appealing to their favorite identity group that makes up the Democrat menagerie.

Who would have thought locking down the anti-Semite vote by meeting with a group most Americans know for murdering Jews, and then jointly trashing America, would be a good campaign strategy?" Take heed, all you Bernie fans.

Read about it... at WND.


  1. Why is any Jew against Israel?

  2. Bernie is not against Israel; he's in favor of a two state solution. Hardliners like Bebe make it very difficult for the two state solution to gain any ground, due to the enormous tracts of land Israel takes to build settlements on for Jews mostly from New York and Russia. Younger Jewish (primarily students) who have studied the history of this conflict, tend to side with Bernie on this issue.

  3. Someone ask Joann Golden when she is for Palestinians.
