Sunday, May 5, 2019

Student kicks School Officer in Face

MUST WATCH: Disgraceful Student Kicks Officer Right In the Face During High School Brawl

"After a chaotic fight among teenage girls, a video shows a Homestead Senior High School 18-year-old student kicking an officer in the face Thursday. The Miami-Dade County Public Schools Police Department officer was responding to a report that five girls were fighting during lunch time."

This is what we have in the school system now...uncontrollable kids. The student who kicked the officer in the head should go to jail--like now!

1 comment:

  1. im sick of treating these brats like children.these punks want to act like adults lock them up or we will have more hilarys coming up not taking responsibility for .I am sorry for the kids going to school to learn and these punks putting a bad name on your school
