Friday, May 3, 2019

Republican Michael Bluemling to run against Emily Slosberg

UPDATE: May 14, 2019--Michael Bluemling is now running against Lois Frankel for Congress.

Michael Bluemling, Jr.

Michael spoke at the Republican Club of Central Palm Beach County last night. He is a candidate for FL House District 91 against Emily Slosberg who is facing an investigation involving allegations of trespassing and misdemeanor theft.

Michael holds a bachelor of science degree in business administration from ECPI University, a master of professional studies in human resources and employment relations from Pennsylvania State University, and a graduate certificate from UMass Dartmouth in Organizational Leadership. In addition, he graduated from the Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans (EBV) program through Florida State University.


  1. The only way to get rid of Frankel is to have someone with the guts to run against her. Thanks Michael. Let's get term limits for these folks.

  2. Frankel is a gangster in drag.

  3. Frankel has a young opponent who was at Trump 45 club 2 weeks ago.

  4. There are about 6 candidates for U.S. Congress District 21. The top 3 are (in alphabetical order by last name) Christian Acosta, Michael Bluemling Jr., and Victor Garcia De Rosa. I suggest all voters personally meet and research all candidates for every campaign. I have met all 3 of these candidates and other candidates.--Ruth Field Beck

  5. On May 14, Michael Bluemling informed the Republican Party of Palm Beach County that he will be running against Lois Frankel.
