Sunday, May 19, 2019

Quote of the Day - Joe Scarborough

“Let’s just be blunt about Donald Trump. That guy can do on a campaign stage what nobody else can do: He can engage the audience. He can engage viewers, despite the hateful rhetoric, despite everything else. You can see that guy is gearing up for 2020 and yes, Democrats, he is going to be hard to beat, because he does look like he is about 20 years younger than a lot of Democratic candidates.”

 ~ Joe Scarborough
"Morning Joe" host on MSNBC who hates Trump


  1. Are the Joe's of the world finally getting it?

  2. Anyone with any intelligence would vote for President Trump again, based on the incompetence of most of the dems in office now that do nothing about all the problems, what have then done? Why would anyone support or vote for them. Plus people who are American and born here want law and order and people respecting our rules and laws and fitting in, the dems do nothing about all of this lawlessness, that is why President Trump will really win!

  3. You can say a lot of things about Trump, but he certainly doesn't look like 50. Joe doesn't look young either, and Mika looks more like her father every day, so I guess when those two look in the mirror, Trump looks like 50.

  4. Age matters. Under 50 and there's not enough experience. Under 40 and they will pander to special interest groups while getting rich. Under 30, never mind.
