Monday, May 20, 2019

President Trump Tweet on Fake News

Trump Excoriates Anonymous News Sources: ‘It’s Bulls***’

President Donald Trump attacked the news media Friday for its habit of using unnamed sources in stories that attack his administration.

“But they put out false — you know, they say, ‘confidential sources.’ Do you ever notice they never write the names of people anymore. Everything is ‘a source says…’ There is no source. The person doesn’t exist. The person is not alive. It’s bulls—. Okay? It’s bull—sh*t

~ President Donald Trump
regarding Fake News


  1. "The President does not swear..."

    Lynn, January 2019...


  2. Thank GOD that we have this man as our President. Pray for him and his family.

  3. @9:20--Well, you guys bring this out. I have to wonder how he has been so tempered for the last 2 plus years with all your freaking lies.
    He now is 100% in agreement with his constituents...we swear all the time. :)

  4. ha ha, anon at 9:20. You must be new around here because everyone who reads this blog knows that it is conservative and Lynn is just entertaining us. No one is as serious as you apparently are. Everyone here just wants to poke fun at libs like you. No one (except you) believes that Trump doesn't swear so when Lynn says he doesn't she's just saying it to get you upset. And it works every time because you are so serious. Maybe once you stop being so serious you'll stop being such a ball breaker.

  5. @ 12:04PM re 9:20AM, more of a Soy Boi than ball breaker?? :)
