Saturday, May 4, 2019

Omar--our very own elected subversive

To refresh your memory, particularly all those who were not a product of the Sixties (you know, the ones who voted for the name change of Lake Worth), she supported the governments of the Soviet Union for several decades. "Throughout her career, Davis has praised authoritarian regimes and cults, including Cuba, the Soviet Union, and Jim Jones' Jonestown."[Wikipedia] She also hates Jews.

"Davis was a member of the Black Panther Party during the 60s and 70s, where she purchased guns used to murder a judge. She eventually fled and made it on the FBI’s 10 most wanted list."[RedState] During the 1980s, she was twice a candidate for Vice President on the CPUSA ticket.

She is still alive, living in the subversive State of California and she is still a Communist although Ronald Reagan when he was governor tried to stop her from teaching in a college or university in California. She ended up retiring from The University of California. You can see why Californians are so f'd up.

And Angela Davis is admired by Democrat Ilhan Omar, who is also an enemy of capitalism and our American ideals, someone who is speaking out against our country every day and Democrats say nary a word. .

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