Thursday, May 30, 2019

Mueller still wants to "nail" Donald Trump

Mueller throws lifeline to Deep State, Democrats

Just when you thought the D.C. Swamp was about to be drained and the Democrats would be forced to abandon their war on lawful elections, the Deep State has been given a reprieve, thanks to Robert Mueller.

His lifeline wasn't based on evidence, of course ... just catty innuendo.

But the Deep State now has hope. CNN, MSNBC and their cohorts are dusting off their failed fake narrative for another run at President Trump.

But already, sharper minds are pointing out the holes in Mueller's gambit.

Read about it... at WND.


  1. I'll ask again.

    You said you were reading the Mueller Report, Lynn.

    Did you finish yet?

  2. You first!
    Why would I want to read vol II when it is nothing but crap and politics. Answer that one.

  3. And so I will...

    Still working my way through Volume I, which is bad enough.

    So you have no plans to even read Volume 2 which documents Trump's obstruction of the investigation?

    But you still haven't answered the question: did you finish Volume 1?

  4. I have said it before and say it again, I read Vol I.
    Trump's supposed and unproven "obstruction of justice" in Vol II--He was not charged with anything. Mueller and his 19 team of Democrat lawyers could not find where they could charge or prove one thing.
    So, why should I waste time reading political fiction?
