Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Mexico trying to blackmail us again

Mexico Attempts to EXTORT Trump: You Want Us To Do Something About Illegal Immigration? Then Fork Up $10 Billion Dollars

Instead of paying for the wall, Mexico’s left-wing government officials have suggested that the United States should pay them and other Central American nations to boost their economies.

Democrats are saying the exact same thing...they are obstructing our government to solve this crisis. Everyone knows that aid to these countries goes to the leaders who do not trickle it down to their citizens. It is and has always been, corruption in those countries.

This isn't the 1st time Mexico threatened blackmail
See Mexico's threat back in 2017


  1. Uh oh, Lynn. Wait until you find out that Trump did the same thing with the American people.

    Give me the wall or I'm going to shut down the government!

    Stop the investigations or I'm not going to work with you on infrastructure!

    Or is it only "extortion" when Mexicans do it?

  2. It's curious to me why you always take the side that is detrimental to the health and welfare of this country.
    Trump is all about negotiations. The Art of the Deal. We don't go around demanding some country send us $10 billion dollars nor do we give $150 BILLION IN CASH to Iran to make a deal to make them shut the F up. Trump is NOT Obama. Thank God, huh?

  3. And to add to that, the President doesn't disparage a person he is just about to meet over negotiations and getting something done for our country like Nancy Pissosi did. Why should he put up with that chit? He will continue to get things done w/o her and the rest of the obstructionists.

  4. 8:14 perhaps you should move to Mexico,adios!

  5. The Democrats were the ones who refused to sit down with the President and negotiate. Instead they all flew off to a vacation.SEVERAL OF THEM IN FACT! Trump even offered amnesty for the DACA "kids".(An illegal product of President Obama). Democrats said no way.Remember Nancy(stroke victim) Pelosi's "Not one penny for the wall" comment? Bottom line-.Trump is serious in passing policies that help Americans. Democrats supported by your left loonies are willing to throw the American people under the bus. Can you imagine the Republican leadership holding a press conference accusing President Obama of being born in Kenya as they were on their way into a room to negotiate a Bipartisan deal with him????? The American people are waking up .

  6. I hope trump closes the fucing border.
