Monday, May 27, 2019

Memorial Day Service at Pinecrest

We were all there in solemn respect this morning at Pinecrest Cemetery. All the veteran graves were decorated by Scouts Troop 204, photo bottom right.

Mayor Pam Triolo spoke to the small crowd gathered to honor and remember all those who had died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. There was one veteran there who had fought in World War II. All veterans of all wars were recognized.

The Keynote speaker was Col. Robert Ames, USAF (retired). His speech was not only reverent but patriotic. He mentioned that the former Soviet union had 30,000 (sounds like a lot) U.S. prisoners of war captured by the Germans that had been transferred to the Soviet Union after World War II that were not returned to us. He further said that this has happened in every war since and the release of captured Americans had not been sought by our government. (I wish I had taken notes for accuracy here) He even brought up Benghazi.

Following the Colonel's speech, there was the playing of Taps, A benediction by Father Delvard of Sacred Heart and the retirement of colors.


  1. Lynn,thank you for going and telling us about this event.

  2. I wish more people would attend to honor all those who have kept America safe and gave their lives doing it.
