Saturday, May 18, 2019

Kay Ivey urges Respect for Life

CBS Reporter Fires Hostile Question At Pro-Life Alabama Governor. Governor Flattens Her.

CBS reporter Jericka Duncan asked, “Where is the money coming from to support people who aren’t ready to be mothers or aren’t financially stable to take care of a child?”

Ivey fired back, “You simply cannot defer protecting the lives of unborn children because of costs...To the bill's many supporters, this legislation stands as a powerful testament to Alabamians' deeply held belief that every life is precious and that every life is a sacred gift from God.”

Read about Alabama's remarkable Governorat Conservative Fighters.


  1. God bless the Alabama Gov Kay Ivey for taking this stand and her response. I think I want to go back and live in Alabama now! I pray every day for an end to abortion. God is working miracles through so many who see that it is wrong and we as a civilized nation need to start showing some intelligence and compassion to end abortion and the death penalty in our country and world. I applaud all leaders like President Trump who take a stand like this to end abortion, the murder of innocent helpless unborn babies (human beings). Please pray with all of us to end abortion. Donate to Preborn and 40 days for life and pray with us to end all abortions in the USA! God bless every life.

  2. Good for him for putting a sassy no nothing in her place!

  3. don't know who 8.57 is but their statement is a nothing.GOD gave us these bodys to take care of and do his WILL.when I go see ST PETER then my FATHER I don't want any stains on my soul for murder.we do not have GOD given rights to kill babys
