Sunday, May 19, 2019

Jim Acosta - Worst of the Worst

Jim Acosta of CNN is not a journalist. He is a propaganda machine for left-wing politics--Democrats and the fake news anti-Trump media.

The latest outlandish lying statement he made was to twist and edit Donald Trump's words. He "was caught in an egregious lie in reporting on the President’s new immigration plan, and Trump’s campaign immediately called him out."

Read about it... and the number one fake news "reporter."


  1. A Trumpster calling out anyone suspected of lying is hilarious. Your boy in the White House lies multiple times every time and you guys just lap it up.

  2. "My guy" happens to be the President of the Untied States. Your candidate LOST. Can't get over it, can you? Jim Acosta is a punk of the first order.
    It's got to be tough for you nasty liberals to see the economy doing so well.

  3. 4:54 too much MSLSD it's not a cure for your Trump Derangement syndrome, it makes it worse. Go back to CNN they can use the viewership.

  4. Name the lies, 4:54. That's all you people do is lie.

  5. Thanks for asking, 9:21!

    -Mexico is going to pay for the wall.

    -Tariffs are paid for mostly by China, by the way, not by us.

    -With a late-term abortion, "the mother meets with the doctor. They take care of the baby, they wrap the baby beautifully. And then the doctor and the mother determine whether or not they will execute the baby.

    -Puerto Rico got 91 Billion Dollars for the hurricane, more money than has ever been gotten for a hurricane before.

    -58,000 non-citizens voted in Texas, with 95,000 non-citizens registered to vote.

    -California’s deadly wildfires "would never happen" with "proper Forest Management.

    -Under the North American Free Trade Agreement, "we lost millions of jobs."

    -On investigating during the Supreme Court confirmation process, "The FBI doesn’t do that."

    -U.S. Steel just announced that they are building six new steel mills.

    -"I have watched ICE liberate towns from the grasp of MS-13."

    -"Crime in Germany is way up."

    -Says North Korea has "agreed to denuclearization."

    And there's lots, lots more....

    (Having composed this response that shows that Trump is a habitual liar, Lynn will most likely not post it because:

    1. these are facts
    2. it's proof that Trump is a liar
    3. it's embarrassing to his followers who are gullible and actually think he doesn't lie.

    Nonetheless, I'll know she read it. And that she deleted it because she knows it's true. She's nothing if not predictably cowardly.)

  6. I really don't know that all you said was true and have no time to look it all up. What fake news media did you get it from?
    The fake news media are just so eager to stamp everything he says as false, that they don’t ever consider things that do not fit into their false narrative. And you follow them like sheep.

  7. @5:58--I didn't get down to your last sentence calling me a coward. LOL. YOU are the anonymous one here. So, who is the coward?

  8. Both of the nation’s most prominent fact-checking organizations— and PolitiFact—tilt to the political left, which makes them representative of the majority of journalists who also lean to te left. Both of these groups go far beyond what they say they do, claiming to fact-check subjective things like political rhetoric that are not susceptible to fact-checking. So, 5:58, your cut and paste is a waste of time.

  9. So Anonymous asks for examples of some lies. I post them. And, of course, because you haven't heard Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh or Jeanine Pirro talk about them, they have to be false, right.

    You all live in an information bubble where you hear what you want to hear and call everything else lies. Doesn't matter that Mexico isn't going to pay for the wall. Doesn't matter that crime in Germany isn't way up. Doesn't matter that the whole Texas voter thing was BS. What matters is that Trump and Fox News and all the people on your Facebook page isn't talking about it. Because to face the truth that Trump has been telling you lies every day and that you have been falling for it, is way too painful for any of you to acknowledge. Just like the retiree who sends money to the person who tells them they've won $50K, if only they send them $5K..and there is no $50K.

    You've all been taken by a master con man. And you all are doing nothing to try to pull yourself out of that bubble. You just keep coming back for more. And Trump loves it.

  10. Look, 6:59--they are both left-leaning sites. You want to follow them like sheep--your prerogative. Just don't write your crap over here.

  11. Longtime follower here, Lynn, and I have to say, being a Republican doesn't necessarily mean you're anti-facts. Trump isn't an angel. We all know that. But we also have to seriously consider facts, even when it may hurt our side. To dismiss facts just because we're too lazy to take the time to do a little research is a cop out, IMO.

    These times are too important to the future of our country to put all our faith in Jesse Watters or Tomi Lahren or Laura Ingraham. I'll listen to them...but if someone tells me they're wrong and offers reasons why, I'd be stupid to look the other way just because I'm afraid of hearing something that might change my mind.

    Having said that and to sort of prove a point, has Trump or anyone else for that matter ever offered any proof that an entire American city has ever been "liberated" from MS-13 by ICE? That seems like it would be an easy one to verify. These kinds of obvious boasts and distortions are the things that we all need to make sure we don't support because it makes us all look like idiots.

  12. Ok, have you ever offered proof that ICE didn't arrest MS13 members who had control of an area, other than quoting left leaning fact check sites. ICE and Homeland Security made more than 10,000 gang arrests in fiscal year (FY) 2018 thus liberating towns from their criminal activities. Dpon't have stats for this year.
    Some of Politico's facts cited above are false. And who in the hell has the time to challenge every wack job liberal or Politico or Snopes?
    Trump haters are always going to believe that we are "idiots."

  13. I'm not sure why you're asking me to prove it anything. I'm just making a suggestion based upon an anonymous comment. However, Trump has never offered proof of his statement regarding MS-13. ICE has always maintained that they have arrested and deported gang members but entire towns have not been "liberated" because of their arrests. It's not a true statement.

    My fear is that Trump is going to make one of these claims and many of his followers will believe him because they refuse to believe anyone else but Trump. That IS idiotic behavior and rather weird. I don't want to be any part of it so when I hear something said, I try to verify it using a bunch of different resources.

    You're right about something. Trump haters are always going to believe we're idiots. But why give them ammunition by believing stupid stuff or dressing up like idiots like that guy with the wall suit? We play right into their hands by acting like dummies.
