Sunday, May 26, 2019

Japanese supporters - Today in Japan

Trump Squad Japan--Out showing support for President Trump--reported by Diane Cantone.


  1. I wonder what that one sign means about liberating Japan. That must have been World War II.

  2. That's an odd way of putting it; I don't know what that means.

    It must be nice to live in a clean orderly law abiding country, and the people don't think they are being persecuted because of it. Can you imagine what would happen here, if we asked someone to pick-up their own coffee cup or lunch refuse. There would be a court case. The authorities who dared to interfere with the offending persons right to live like a pig would be sued; possibly fined and subject to jail time.

    This is how far off the track we have gotten.

  3. Did trump confront them about the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor?

  4. @9:49--Are you stupid or just not too bright?


  5. Donald J. Trump
    Does President Obama ever discuss the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor while he's in Japan? Thousands of American lives lost. #MDW
    5:34 PM · May 28, 2016 · Twitter for iPhone


  6. On Memorial Day weekend, 3 years ago, Trump criticized Obama for not discussing “the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor while he’s in Japan.” I wonder if a journalist might want to ask him whether he’s going to bring it up now that he’s in Japan, as president, on Memorial Day weekend? LOL! Sad!

  7. That's very interesting. Of course, it would have been bad form for Obama or Trump to bring this up at this late date, but the fact that Trump even suggested it was just beyond belief. It's not something I really paid attention to at the time.

    The real irony is that none of the people either Obama or Trump were meeting with in Japan were alive then.

    I think Trump should be confronted with this, and made to address it.

  8. 4:48--not worth addressing--it's just stupid politics.

  9. idiot you know the real history or just what you read on internet.should he also bring up why they weren't ready for the bomb

  10. That's not a bad idea 10:59. Maybe you should pursue that line of questioning.
