Sunday, May 12, 2019

James Woods and Twitter

According to The Daily Wire:
Conservative actor James Woods said on Thursday that he will no longer be using Twitter after the platform suspended him and then deleted a tweet that he refused to take down after the platform received widespread scorn from lawmakers for its continued censorship of conservatives.

"Twitter demanded that I rescind my tweet paraphrasing Emerson," Woods said in a statement to The Daily Wire. "It now seems they have chosen to delete that tweet from my account without my permission. Until free speech is allowed on Twitter, I will not be permitted to participate in our democracy with my voice. As long as Jack Dorsey remains the coward he seems to be, my Twitter days are in the past."

Woods was suspended in late April over a tweet that stated: "If you try to kill the King, you better not miss. #HangThemAll."
James Woods has been suspended from Twitter for a quote from the TV series The Wire.

A year ago he said, when speaking about Twitter, “Because now, having your voice smothered is much more disturbing than having your vocal chords slit. If you want to kill my free speech, man up and slit my throat with a knife, don’t smother me with a pillow.”


  1. Actually, it was for the #HangThemAll, which is basically a death threat.

    Bye, James.

  2. I guess you don't read too well--
    "James Woods has been suspended from Twitter for a quote from the TV series The Wire."
