Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Comey the Commie

"During a 2003 interview with New York Magazine, the man who would go on to helm the FBI a decade later stated on the record that he was a Communist during his formative years.

“I’d moved from Communist to whatever I am now,” Comey said of his early political views. “I’m not even sure how to characterize myself politically.”

He may not know how to characterize himself, but the American people do and eventually it will all be confirmed after the AG's investigation.

Read about Comey...


  1. The full passage, in context, because you only parse that sentence if you're trying to deceive your readers.


    "Comey has been savaged by William Safire and lauded by Chuck Schumer; just what kind of Republican is he, anyway? This sets Comey howling again. “I must be doing something right!” he says. “In college, I was left of center, and through a gradual process I found myself more comfortable with a lot of the ideas and approaches the Republicans were using.” He voted for Carter in 1980, but in ’84, “I voted for Reagan—I’d moved from Communist to whatever I am now. I’m not even sure how to characterize myself politically. Maybe at some point, I’ll have to figure it out.”


  2. The guy is corrupt and a liar. One of these days he might figure it out when he is indicted.

  3. William Safire died 10 years ago. Do you mean Bill Kristol?
