Saturday, April 13, 2019

Trump edging Sanders in Rasmussen Poll

I love this graphic and use it occasionally when appropriate

Socialism is not just creeping into our society, it is on a fast train.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Get ready for President Trump’s second term if Senator Bernie Sanders is his Democratic opponent next year, according to the latest White House Watch hypothetical 2020 match-up.
The new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds Trump edging Sanders 47% to 44% among Likely U.S. Voters. But nine percent (9%) are undecided."

(To see survey question wording, click here.)

So, there are 9% who are undecided on whether they want to live in a country like Venezuela or the United States, the greatest country on the Planet. Mind-blowing. Where did this "free stuff" mentality come from? Where did the 44% come from? College campuses is one place where they are being promised the moon for free:  single-payer health care, free public college and more.


  1. Looks like Lynn standing up at a commission meeting demanding that her pool be repaired on the taxpayer dime.

    "Where's my free pool!?! Give me my free chit!"

  2. @2:00pm...I guess you know how damn dumb you sound, right?

  3. Did you write this? Do you possess a United States of America passport? Have you traveled outside of palm beach county in the past year?

  4. @7:06...who are you addressing this comment to? If you travel out of this county, (and you don't need a passport for that!!!) you find millions of Trump supporters unless, of course, you go to some sanctuary city with a government undermining our country.
