Sunday, April 7, 2019

The United States is the leader in curbing carbon emissions

Still pretending to be President, Barack Hussein schlepped into Germany to hang out with his pal, Frau Blucher. President Trump should jump on this!

"The purpose of Hussein’s visit was to convince Europe’s gullible youngsters to join the fight against global warming, the greatest hoax perpetrated against mankind since Al Gore was born, which wasn’t exactly a hoax, just a sad joke, pardon my digression." [Powdered Wig]

Read about it... and Obama's continued interference, this time, global warming.

Time says, the U.S. managed to slash its CO2 emissions by 42 million tons in 2016–’17. It was the largest cut of any nation. By contrast, in the same period, the E.U. increased its CO2 emissions by 43 million tons — the world’s fourth-highest rise, behind China (120 million tons), India (93 million tons) and Turkey (45 million tons). From 2014 to 2017, U.S. emissions fell by 5%, while E.U. emissions grew by 3%.

According to the 2017 BP Statistical Review of World Energy, since 2005 annual U.S. carbon dioxide emissions have declined by 758 million metric tons. That is by far the largest decline of any country in the world over that timespan and is nearly as large as the 770 million metric ton decline for the entire European Union. [Forbes]

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