Sunday, April 7, 2019

The Last Daze

Big-name 'minister' declares he's the true Jesus

"This famous religious leader is no small-time crackpot. He's a big-time crackpot, and he may have just made his craziest claim yet.

It turns out the Jesus of the New Testament got it all wrong. You can ignore everything you ever knew about him. He was just a failed placeholder until the true Jesus arrived. And now we know who that is.

"It's happening right while you're alive looking at it," our new and improved true Jesus announced this week.

Is this the Last Days ... or the Last Daze?" [WND]

What is more befitting on a Sunday morning than to remind everyone of the very dangerous anti-American, racist, anti-White, Jew hater, head of the Nation of Islam, Louis Farrakhan who Democrats like and who says--

I am the true Jesus


  1. Thanks for posting this, it can't be overstated he is the enemy of our country.

  2. "The Devil,who deceived them,was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur,where the beast and the False Prophet had been thrown.They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever."

  3. It looks like we are the ones being tormented!

  4. Wait..wait isn't "Hay suse" that guy with 6 kids on S. B st?
