Monday, April 22, 2019

ShiftySchiff is still under a Collusion Delusion

It’s FINALLY OVER: No Collusion, No Conspiracy — NOTHING

Unless, of course, you listen to Democrats.

Adam Shifty Schiff has built his entire career over the last several years on "taking down" President Trump. He still insists there is collusion. No kidding.

“And the fact that a candidate for president and now president of the United States would not only not stand up and resist Russian interference in our election but would welcome it goes well beyond anything Nixon did,“ said Shifty.

[Wikipedia] Russia's covert activities were first publicly disclosed by members of the United States Congress on September 22, 2016, confirmed by the United States Intelligence Community on October 7, 2016, and further detailed by the Director of National Intelligence office three months later.

Why didn't Obama, who knew about the Russian interference, say one word about it?  Well, Shifty, all national polls had Hillary winning the election in a landslide What a shock to learn that it was members of your party who actually "colluded."

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