Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Quote of the Day - Castrate men so that Abortions are Rare

The Charmer

“You know, ladies, with technology the way it is, we wouldn’t have an abortion problem if we applied a plan. Now, I’ve been told it’s a bit radical, but if we allowed men to be castrated, took the sperm to the bank, collected tax dollars on it for storage, then when it’s time, to have the man decide he’s ready to begin a family…. well then problem is solved!”

~ Democrat Rep Dianne Pappas
State Rep Illinois

Trying to solve the abortion problem. Illinois has introduced a bill, HB2495, that "would also treat unborn life at any stage of development as essentially non-human: It stipulates that 'a fertilized egg, embryo, or fetus does not have independent rights under the laws of this State.'” [Conservative Tribune]

And we elect these people!


  1. If all women looked like Ms Pappas the "problem" of attraction would be solved. She must be very bitter to even suggest this new assault on men. Her hatred must be called out.

  2. Actually, I don't think it's such a bad idea. One side of the equation shouldn't have to have all of the responsibility for this issue. If both parties were more responsible, it would indeed be extremely rare.

    Commentating on the woman's looks does nothing for the problem. If you look closely, I think she's basically kidding anyway.

  3. That broad looks like she never had sex with a man

  4. Are you suggesting that you're interested 3:18?

    She's actually a very pleasant looking woman. Why don't you post your picture on Lynn's Blog?

  5. 3:18 didn't use political position to denigrate an entire gender, like saying women should be sewn up to prevent abortion. So it's dumb to ask for a photo.

  6. Try not to lose your sense of humor. The woman is obviously kidding!

  7. Now our elected officials are "kidding" I guess Omar and Cortez are leading the way to just saying anything.
