Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Quote of the Day - Ronald Mortensen

“Virtually all adult, illegal aliens commit felonies in order to procure the documents they need to get jobs, to drive and to obtain other benefits that are restricted to U.S. citizens.

The vast majority of illegal aliens use fraudulently obtained Social Security numbers. They possess fake drivers’ licenses, phony ‘green cards,’ fraudulent birth certificates and any other documents that U.S. citizens and legal residents have.

In addition, they falsify I-9 forms under penalty of perjury. Thus, the average illegal alien routinely commits multiple felonies –forgery, Social Security fraud, identity theft, and perjury. This criminal activity is routinely swept under the rug in order to protect the myth of the law abiding illegal alien.”

~ Ronald Mortensen

He has been nominated to be Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration and Lois Frankel is determined to take him down.

Democrats can't stand facts or the truth and love to coddle criminals.


  1. I know of an illegal who works under t he name Roger Daltry. The company hired him with a social in that somewhat famous name and he's Guatamalan.

  2. The only reason I let this comment be published is because there are probably many people with that name. It is not singling out any specific person that may be known to anyone. If you make an assertion, please be ready to support it by facts. Thanks.
