Thursday, April 25, 2019

Protest at the Palm Beach Post

The Palm Beach Post is lead by a bunch of liberal editors. A big percentage of their paper are articles re-printed from the New York Times and the Washington Post as well as the Associated Press--all left-wing negative slants towards our president.

The protest was to defend our president and protest their fake news such as suggesting that Trump rallies in Florida are staged by Russian entities. Newspapers should be giving the facts only, not fiction.

It is way past time that people take action against this, as well as other, dangerous liberal propaganda rags. This group was in front of the Post building yesterday at 8:30 to give them a poke. I am sure that they have received the message by all those who have dropped their subscription. Of course, they will only believe that it is their subscription price, not their dangerous ideology that caused people not to renew.

Dick Farrel on left

Palm Beach Post rendition of the protest

Actually, there were about 20 people there...still reporting inaccurately.


  1. The Mueller investigation found evidence in their 2-year investigation that Russian trolls in conjunction with the Russian government organized dozens of rallies for Trump across America prior to the election.

    The Russians relied on people like you who will believe and spread anything they read on the internet or receive in their emails to support these rallies.

    Just because you and other Trumpsters have an aversion to facts doesn't mean the Post shouldn't report it to people who like real news.

    This is America. The Post reports facts much like The Powdered Wig and Conservative News helps out the Russians.

    You're free to figure out who you want to believe. You're even free to protest those you don't want to believe. That's the wonderful thing about America.

  2. That is the biggest bunch of BS I have read in a long time.
    Why are you liberals so brainwashed to believe this crap? It constantly amazes me.


    Mueller, after 2 years and assisted by 19 liberal attorneys, couldn't prove squat on Trump.

    In fact, the Mueller Report showed how the Russians helped the Hillary campaign.

  3. If the Mueller investigation wanted to find an elephant shitting on Hillary’s server, it would have found that also. Seek & ye shall find. But when a newspaper attempts to twist the facts to portray Trump supporters as Russian Kool-Aid drinkers, there are those of us who will not stand for it.

  4. I cancelled my subscription over a year ago, having gotten sick of their constant anti President Trump articles.
    They are ruled daily by Trump derangement syndrome and ignore our elected president's fantastic record of acccomplishments.
    7:05 lives in his own alternative reality and pines for loser Hillary Clinton regardless of her many obvious crimes.

  5. @7:30. The Muller investigation--Mueller was not tasked with finding Russian collusion involving Hillary Clinton.

  6. Lynn you sure get some jerks on your page like 7:05 who believes that we are all stupid and they are the only sharp knife in the drawer. Where did he learn that? In the psych ward?

  7. @9:50--probably. And it's probably not a "he." We do have some radical left-wingers...they will all LOSE again.

  8. Lynn...have you read the Mueller report?

  9. Still reading it when I find the time. Have you read all 444 pages? There is a link to it on the right side of my blog.

  10. The PB Post is horrible. I would never read or buy it again. They pit good people against bad elected to sensationalize news and then to make the good person look like the bad guy, when it is really the elected leaders who are not doing their jobs. They only care about selling and sensationalizing. They do not care about the truth, they do not care if they hurt the reputation of someone upright. Shame on the PB Post, I agree with the protestors. They have no legitimate value and are shameful, no better then the National Enquirer or other papers of that nature. I have lost ALL respect for the PB Post.

  11. The post continues to publish racist tripe from Leonard Pitts. Also, wannabe comic Cerabino what a hack! I only glance at it when found in the recycle bin.

  12. The Palm Beach Post is terrible and I stopped reading it months ago.

    BTW, did you read that BS that wrote on Trump the other day?

  13. Russian trolls started the whole “lock her up” chant, that’s a fact. They also organized rallies that’s also a fact. They did so without Mr Trumps knowledge, support so that’s why there is no collusion. Putin hates Hillary that’s why he wanted Mr Trump to win, he would’ve done the same if Romney, Cruz or Rubio had won the nomination. Post communist Russians only know how to create disturbances they are sneaky snakes. Has Jill Stein been investigated she’s dirty.

  14. the Lock Her Up chant started in the 1990s with PACs paying for ads that labeled Clinton a criminal for her involvement in Whitewater.
