Saturday, April 20, 2019

President exercises his Veto Power

Issuing the second veto of his presidency, President Donald Trump rejected a call from Congress to end U.S. involvement in Yemen's civil war.

Yemen is located in Southwest Asia, at the southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula, between Oman and Saudi Arabia.

Read what's going on in Yemen



  1. Southeast Asia? Hahahaaa! Welcome to Lake Wirth Beach dummy.

  2. @3:19---You don't know how to read, "dummy."

  3. Geography of Yemen - Wikipedia

    Yemen is located in Southwest Asia, at the southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula, between Oman and Saudi Arabia. It is situated at the entrance to the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait, which links the Red Sea to the Indian Ocean (via the Gulf of Aden) and is one of the most active and strategic shipping lanes in the world.
