Tuesday, April 16, 2019

PBSO sends out information on Hepatitis A


  1. Just living in Palm Beach County (Crapville,where every step you take outside your front door is a third world encounter)) is reason enough to get the vaccine. Get it.

  2. Why would you put up with these horrible conditions 7:02, you must be mentally handicapped? Get out of this terrible place, run for your life!

  3. Clearly we care for our citizens, Central America governments, not so much.

  4. Yes , many Democrats are mentally challenged no doubt. Illegals are not living everywhere there are many, many places to live peacefully in the USA just look where Mr Trump won the election. If you are in fear here in Lake Worth Beach why would you stay, seems very irrational especially if you have loved ones here, just move, simple.

  5. Fear is the buzz word Democrats use when they have nothing to contribute 9:28. Racist is the next word. Build the wall and stop the invasion.

  6. Right, 10:36, when 9:28 is the last citizen in Lake Worth besides the corrupt commission it will be too late to start thinking.

  7. 10:36-11:53 y’all keep selling fear we ain’t buying it.
    Pot calling the kettle black! Read what you wrote. Lol

  8. 2:39 hi,commisioner.Enjoy your plunder.
