Monday, April 29, 2019

Palm Beach Post reports on the Protest

Palm Beach Post: Pro-Trump group protests paper’s coverage of Mueller report

There were about 20 people at the protest last week in front of the Palm Beach Post building.

Read about it... I'm surprise they reported on it at all.


  1. Trump could cure cancer and the Palm Beach Compost would have something negative to say about him.

  2. Who cares about the Post? I thought I would escape reading them by coming to a conservative blog who hates them too...but instead I keep reading stories from them.

  3. @3:01--that's not why your Pis*ed...This blog was about the are pis*ed about anyone protesting Fake biased news that supports your ridiculous and destructive agenda.

  4. Not a surprise really. Don't subscribe to them and let Editor at in Burke know why. He will literally beg you to pay for their propoganda

  5. Oh, Lynn, you got me. I'm so upset that 20 people who actually believed that Mexico would build a wall and that Trump didn't have an affair with a porn star while married to Melania showed up in the hot sun to wave stupid signs. The millions of South Floridians who think that Trump is an un-American asshat who should be dragged out of the White House will definitely think twice about buying the Post!

  6. @7:36--a typical hater Democrat. Give it up. You will lose again. And thank God for that as Trump is the greatest president in my lifetime. Are you still looking for a job? What a pity as unemployment is at its lowest level since 1969. Making America Great again has been a huge effort and all of us are benefiting from our President's efforts.
    Now, the next thing is, allow him to build the wall and get rid of the illegal criminals crossing our border. Mexico is paying for it in the agreements Trump has re-negotiated. It's costing them plenty.
    Also, many people no longer subscribe to the fake news PBPost. I bet you don't either.
