Sunday, April 28, 2019

On Voter Fraud and Sanctuary - Illegals

"It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything." Joseph Stalin

Think about that one, folks...coming from someone who knew. More and more people in our country now believe that Hillary didn't even really win the popular vote. 😂

After a yearlong voter-fraud probe, Texas discovered that 95,000 people identified as non-citizens had voter registrations. What's more, 58,000 of them voted in one or more Texas elections. They don't have to prove they're a citizen in order to vote. So, if it happened there, it is happening everywhere as illegals reside all over the country.

I would think that California has to have a huge problem as illegals are given drivers' licenses. "In 2013, California removed the proof of legal presence requirement to obtain a state issued driver licenses. California Governor Jerry Brown signed Assembly Bill 60 (AB 60) into law. Currently still known under its bill number, AB 60 removes the legal proof requirement in California to apply for a state issued driver's licenses. [Wikipedia]

Twelve states now allow illegal aliens to obtain drivers licenses. Democrats believe the problem of voter fraud is not wide-spread so no big deal they say.

Well, it is a big deal, as voter fraud can flip an extremely close election and Democrats know how to target areas to be effective. Just remember Broward and Palm Beach counties and what happened in our Mid-Term election. Florida almost became a socialist state and would have become a sanctuary for illegals.

Now, Governor DeSantis is about to sign an Anti-Sanctuary City bill. Good news. And President Trump is ready to sign an executive order to eliminate citizenship automatically given to children born here of criminals (they are all criminals if they crossed our border illegally) who are in our country illegally. Illegals have been gaming our system and it's time that it ends in order to help fight this battle and protect the American way of life.



  1. When counties review the list, they found that most on it were either eligible or duplicates.

  2. There always will be alt-left groups challenging everything.
    Some of the problem was illegals not updating their status as naturalized citizens.
    Lt. Gov Dan Patrick stands by his statement. He used the figure of 58,000.

  3. Imagine how many checks Social Security sends out to dead people. They used to have people going through lists for stuff like this, but now the all knowing computer does it.
