Friday, April 26, 2019

McCain's voice is heard from the Grave

REVEALED: McCain Family to Support Joe Biden In 2020, Hoping He Kicks Trump From Office

"The late Sen. John McCain's family plans to support former Vice President Joe Biden's White House bid, backing the Democrat not only in his party's crowded primary race but also in a general election match-up with President Trump, the Washington Examiner has learned".

John McCain refused to defeat Obamacare and was proud of it even though he knew it was unsustainable. It's something Trump wanted and therefore he voted against it. An entire RINO family has taken their vengeance to a whole new level of hate and will support a weak Democrat, "crazy Joe Biden."

Read about it...


  1. if biden is going to the grave for support he will also go there for votes

  2. If I spent 5 years in solitary confinement as a Vietnam POW and a draft dodger called me a "loser" before the whole world, I would be pretty pissed at that guy, too.

    McCain was a bigger American that Trump will ever be. Anyone who doesn't see that is blinded by their politics.

  3. Because he was a prisoner of war for 5 years is not what this blog is about. It IS about his revenge and basically his hate of Trump. He couldn't get elected president but Trump could.

  4. Yeah, I know. This blog is a conservative blog and propping up Trump no matter what he does is what it's all about. Got it.

    Just trying to explain to you that John McCain and lots of POWs don't like to be called losers by people who haven't served one day in the military.

    For many Americans, that's offensive. To others, their politics blinds them to the obvious.

  5. McCain didn't get elected because he picked Sarah Palin for V.P. "Lest we Forget"

  6. @11:46...that's not why he lost at all. Palin had nothing to do with it. Obama was the better candidate.
    11:03 and 11:26--both of these comments are extreme.
    @11:26...and you haven't spent one day as president so knock off all the BS comments against our president.

  7. BS comments against your president?

    He didn't spend a day in the military. It's not BS. It's a fact. It's also a fact that he called McCain a loser because he got captured and he attacked a Gold Star family.

    Facts are BS when you don't like them, I suppose.

  8. BS comments against OUR president...and don't forget it.
    The Khan family was used for politics by the Democrats--shame on them. Kahn was rude to the President. What does he expect.
    McCain was a LOSER. He was a prisoner of war...BUT he came back. Thousands did not. He was a loser because he lost the coveted prize-the presidency and he was a first-class RINO.

  9. Sheesh, Lynn. Not sure it's a good idea to crap on our military vets. It's a bad look for you. Stop it, please.

  10. This is what Trump said and I think it was a damn stupid comment--for the record:
    When he was running for president, Trump said Sen. McCain was only a war hero "because he was captured," referring to McCain's five and a half years in captivity after being shot down over North Vietnam.

    "I like people that weren't captured," he said.

  11. Check Navy Archives with FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT,
    He. caused the worst fire in NAVAL history,dropping bombs that were not allowed to carry,
    on the USS FORRESTAL,July 19,1976?

    ,reported "RAT" ,STOOLIE for Communist Vietnamese while in in captivty aratting out all fellow caltived, who denounced america, who really paid for that,
    with deaths.Fact check with NAVY ARCHIVESmwith Freedom of info.Act.

  12. Lynn i published the flles,cel from NAVY archives before.!About Hanoi John,His HANPI WIFE AND SON.

  13. FOIA is available to anyone who wants to take the time to request it. I'm sure you're not the only one who has looked this up 7:56. The problem is, that disgruntled Navy Personnel are no different than any other human who wants to make mischief for someone they have a grudge against. Usually, the truth lies somewhere in between. Let the dead rest!

  14. Why did you not publish the NAVY archives' Record, published about his HANOI John with his hanoi Wife and Hanoi son, "rat","stoolie" actions betraying fellow pilots captured and ratted out by John McCain,who were than tortured to Death, made to bleed to death, because they refused unlike traitor McCain,according ot NAVY INFO archives records,who denounced America 38 times on Communist Vietnam RADIO and lived in relative luxury, in the Hanoi Hilton.Re.: HANOI JANE?????, America!!

  15. @8:24...have no idea what you are saying.
    Trump and Republicans are "seriously running the country" the last time I checked. It is only Democrats that are trying their damndest to stop that forward action and saving America and protecting our citizens.
